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понедельник, 9 января 2012 г.

Results of six-Union Exhibition 1930(part 1 ).

For all German exhibition in Nuremberg showed Osoaviachim Russian breeds of dogs, among them three Caucasian Shepherd, two of which were rated "excellent".
In the 30 years of service dog is a full-fledged branch of the economy.  A true reflection of the time I was Vsegruzinskaya show dogs (Tiflis, May 1931), which along with other breeds of dog breeds on display 41 Caucasian Shepherd. All of them belonged to the departmental nurseries: convoy protection, police department, ZGPU etc.
Shortly before the outbreak of World War II in Tbilisi, an exhibition of dogs, sheep dogs which was attended by state and collective farms. This exhibition has become a unique showcase of the Caucasian Shepherd. Prize-winners of famous males were Caucasians, Jamal Topush and others. A large sable gray Topush is of particular admiration of spectators. Unfortunately, these exhibitions, close to the habitats of natural habitats Caucasian Shepherd is no longer made.
In autumn 1971, in Budapest at the World Dog Show was attended by representatives from over 50 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. Submitted our country Caucasian Shepherd caused an increased interest: they were shown at the World Fair for the first time, three littermates: Uranium II, Grozny, and zurna (vlad. nursery Ministry of Public Utilities of the RSFSR, Moscow) won the highest marks, while Uranus and Zurna II granted the title " Winner of Hungary. "
The marked predominance of Caucasian Shepherd over other domestic breeds of dogs can be traced at the present time. Thus, the first All-Union Exhibition of domestic breeds of dogs in 1988 was billed 111 Caucasian Shepherd, 37 Southern Russia, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs 37 and 39 black terriers.
Departmental nurseries and clubs service dog drew attention to the breed because of its highly developed qualities of the guard. Even at home are Caucasian Shepherd patrol, taking it to the most convenient, elevated position from which you can better see the Predator or an outsider. It should be noted Caucasian sheepdog moving object, whether it's even a car, pack in silence shatters chain and rushes to him with all haste. Once a group of dogs run up to the stranger, some of them give it back, but only some individuals attack, dismissing the offender from the rest of protected areas. But if a stranger just set foot on the protected area, it has thrown all the dogs. This behavior of the Caucasian sheep-dogs, prompted by an innate instinct ...
Thanks to the advanced guard qualities Caucasian Shepherd were exported to various parts of our country. Formed a number of centers of breeding this breed. Often, new breeding centers located thousands of miles from areas of native habitat of species in different climatic zones.

Ivanova T,Kalinin V.,Morozova L.

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