Notice the title of this chapter - it implies that you have to train your dog to work. What to train - you already know. Now how to do it.I want to warn that the vain search for a foreign (I'm not talking about our) books details of the preparation of ring-dog. It is believed that each owner or handler has secrets that carefully hides from its competitors. But I try to tell everything about the general principles of training and exhibition of training dogs.Thus, the ring-taming must begin with the date of purchase a puppy that is from two to two and a half months. Ring taming should be carried out in parallel with general training, games, establishing and maintaining contact with the dog.I've seen in a ring of dogs of any breeds are well illustrated but poorly exposed to lead. The only exception was American Cockers - brilliant Handling and inability to establish that it is - just taming or still taming plus contact.
The first thing we must begin - to define the word team.I suggest the words that apply herself.
"Work." This means that now will ring-training."Teeth" - a command to show the teeth."Ring." It means a requirement to take an exhibition stand. I do not advise to use the command "Whoa." In training it means to stop the adoption of a dog or stand out "lie" or "sit.""Lynx". At this command the dog must run uniformly, sweeping trot at a speed characteristic of the breed.Let's start from the counter. Each breed has its own distinctive stance and a certain position of the hind limbs. It is very important for proper evaluation of individual articles and harmony of dogs in general. So learn the correct rack for your breed - first task before the Ring of training.Puppy accustomed to the collar and leash, put on the floor (or on the table - from cocker and below in size), give the command "Ring." Dog attached to the desired position by hand. To fix the rack for some breeds of dogs are allowed to hold under the abdomen and under the jaw (eg Cocker Spaniel), others take a free stand.The most excitable dogs can be fixed in a rack on any subject or a biscuit if he does not overly excite your dog. The owner, standing in front of the dog, and his hand with an object at some distance from the dog, uttered the command "Ring", achieving a stationary rack for at least 30 seconds.As soon as the puppy will take the desired position on at least 3 seconds, joyfully praise him and give a treat. At first, hold the dog by the collar with the right front collar release, not allowing the puppy to budge.Do not say another word, does not condemn the puppy, the adoption of the correct posture will take longer than you expect. Be patient and persistent. The command must end its execution, but somehow, and soon. From the first time a puppy needs to understand what is required. If you decide that for the first time "and will do so", and then it will be better, you tighten the process of working out the reception for a long time to retrain and is always more difficult than just teach to do the right thing.Engage in regular, daily two to three times a day on the floor or table (to whom it is required). Always on a leash to prevent the possibility of a puppy to run away.3 - 5 seconds is enough to counter the two puppies - five months to secure the command "Ring" with a fixed posture in a beautiful, exhibition, typical of the breed stand.Further training of the house move out, to other areas selected for training at a training ground where the dog must learn to work in a group.
EDUCATION EXHIBIT lynxPuppy, trained to walk on the street, gone in an isolated area, where there are no people and dogs, strapped the leash, give the command "Work" and click "Lynx". Start with a slow trot uniform without jumps and gradually move to a faster, revealing himself to the maximum possible step length (in trot) dogs.If the dog runs as we would like, repeat the "Lynx, lynx, well," encouraging the dog to vote, and if gets off at a gallop and jump, odernite leash sharply say "No!" and continue the movement, achieving its goals. Before stopping your dog needs to run at the same pace. At first, you run a straight 20 - 25 meters, increasing the length of the distance to the 5 - 100 meters.Distance increases as they grow older the puppy, depending on his physical condition, as well as his temperament.Most importantly, lessons are not tired of the puppy that he loved them and saw that the owner is really like. Frequently praise your puppy for correctly completed action.When worked out straight-line motion, continue to move in a circle with a large (at least 10 feet) radius.After working trot on command and stand on command, connect the two teams. Move in a circle, alternate with running in a straight line back and forth, and then stop with the "demonstration" of exhibition stands. Do not forget to give the team and encourage the dog after the required one.Now preparing for manual control. We introduce another team, for example, "Inspection". This word means that if the right person and the owner says "Inspection" means a person can touch the dog as it does an expert, and should be able to inspect the teeth. Attract people to practice as friends (at first), and unfamiliar dog. Teach them how to touch a dog, starting from the head, literally from the tip of the nose, neck, upper, chest, abdomen, tail, front and rear extremities, including legs, paws and claws. Do not forget to say "inspection" and sharply say "No" if the dog resists.We must ensure that the dog was at the same time in one place, no jerking in different directions, making it difficult to check, and often leads to incorrect assessment of articles.If desired, your perseverance and provided always a good mentality, dogs quickly learn that the man who touches them on command, not an enemy that must bite. The dog understands that it is work to be done by the team to suffer in the end a touch (a dog, do not like to touch even the owner).You all seem very difficult? It is not so, dear reader! Ring training - very exciting thing for the dog and owner. You get to know your pet, and he knows better than you! Do you cooperate, working together with him, partnerstvuete, and this is just the thing for which there was a dog in the house of a man!Finally, the most simple to work out and most unpleasant for the expert, if the dog does not - showing teeth.Every morning, shaking hands with the dog, put it (necessarily) give the command "Teeth", revealing the bite, not allowing the head to turn, and praise. Carefully open the jaws and hold between 2 and 10 seconds. (Next time you have to extend to as much as you want to count all the teeth).Praise and encourage a delicacy.Bare your teeth on the left (before the latter), then right again and praise the dog. Do this every day, and you have to show your teeth will never be any problems.
So, your dog has learned the command "work" to understand what is about to begin demonstritsiya:
reception "trot" - a circle, triangle, straight;reception "ring" - ring-rack;acceptance "inspection" - the passage of manual controls;reception "teeth" - check the bite and the presence of teeth.Now your task is to teach your dog do all this in a group at a large gathering of people in closed and open space. To do this, there is a system of training. For dogs that are regularly exhibited, workouts on a daily basis for 15 minutes once - twice a day at different locations.
For adult dogs, exhibiting one - two times a year, with the full preparation and implementation of the "perfect" all methods exhibit the full taming, training may be 2 times a week. A month before the exhibition drill on a daily basis for 15 - 20 minutes.
FCI judge for all breeds of dogs, a biologist, head of training of expert dog handlers RKF
Karpysheva N.