Complications during pregnancy and childbirth
Caucasian Shepherd
Sometimes, pregnancy and childbirth are accompanied by complications in dogs caused by metabolic disorders, disorders of internal organs, improper care of animals.
"The Caucasian Shepherd"
False pregnancy can occur after sexual cycle is not accompanied by a viscous, or after mating dogs in the absence of fertilization. Symptoms of false pregnancy symptoms are similar to the present (excited state, the increase in the abdomen, the appearance of milk). Ailing dog to the vet to show that she will appoint a sedative drugs. In addition, the diet of the animal should be excluded milk and dairy products.
In the early stages of pregnancy in dogs can cause toxicosis. Its main symptoms are depression, weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting. Need to adapt to the diet of the animal.
Edema are the result of improper feeding and lack of physical activity a pregnant dog. Swelling usually formed on the hind legs and around the mammary glands.
In the case of this complication is recommended to reduce the amount of fluid in the diet, do not overfeed your dog, walk it regularly and perform massage in the area of edema.
Sometimes the dogs observed weakening of labor, caused by large-scale or multiple gestations and impaired physical condition of the animal. In this case, due to weak contractions of the uterus and muscles of the abdominal wall process of formation of pups born delayed.
You must call the vet, but before he came to dog first aid: Give a warm drink, to a massage. It is not recommended to use stimulant medications on their own, as this could cause irreparable harm to the body of the animal.
If malposition is hampered its excretion.
In this case, you can help the dog by gently pulling the puppy appeared to have part of the body (head or hind legs). You must first discuss this situation with your veterinarian.
Immediately contact a need in the following cases:
● absence of signs of labor after the due date;
● fights and attempts, not accompanied by the release of the fetus;
● stuck the fetus in the birth canal;
● occurrence of stillborn pups;
● reduction or termination of labor activity in the remaining fetuses in the womb;
● retention of placenta after the birth of puppies.
The complications of whelping
Caucasian Shepherd
Sometimes during the whelping females can have many complications.
In some cases, it is very difficult to draw a clear line between normal and anomaly. Many bitches any complications occur only after several births, while the first 3-4 litters were generally normal.
Every owner should be aware of possible complications during delivery and be able to help your dog and puppies.
Most often, novice owners can be divided into two categories:
● 1st category. This inexperienced owners who do not quite know what to do during labor dog. Confused, they in no way can help your dog. This is totally unacceptable. In many cases (especially if the puppy is already visible) enough to help just a little bitch and the puppy to avoid the many serious consequences;
"The Caucasian Shepherd"
● 2nd category. Quite the opposite type of the 1st owner. This is, by contrast, know-all that could theoretically know everything. As a result, these people instead of actually helping a bitch, make too much of anything unnecessary. Even in cases where childbirth are normal, they still interfere with the natural process.
The best assistant for your dog and newborn puppies that will be the owner who does not belong to any one of these categories, but is somewhere in between. These people have common sense and interfere with the delivery, only when really necessary.
For example, sometimes when the 1st puppy delayed birth, it can lead to death of all the other puppies. In this case, human intervention is required. If the bitch is not give to spend all their forces, the remaining pups are born easily and independently.
Complications during childbirth can be divided into:
● happening for a reason independent of the females;
● occurring by reason of which depends on the puppy.
Also among the complications can be identified by those who:
● owner can fix by yourself;
● more serious and dangerous, which requires an experienced veterinarian.
Wrong position of a puppy
Caucasian Shepherd
One of the most common causes of complications during childbirth is the wrong location pup at birth.
Usually, in such a situation puppy goes neck ahead, as his head was wrapped inside.
This is a very dangerous situation, because the puppy out with great difficulty, or just can not go alone.
Also dangerously wrong position back or limbs, which can also cause difficulties.
Usually, puppies are placed in the uterus back to back bitch, so they pass through the birth canal like an arc that does not cause the bending of the spine in an unnatural direction. Sometimes, instead of head first show puppy's tail. In all these cases, a qualified professional help.
In some cases, the complication is the simultaneous passage through the birth canal just two females puppies. Each of them holds the other, and they do not give each other to be born.
In very rare cases, a puppy instead naturally exit the birth canal, is moving in the opposite direction of the horn of the uterus. In this situation it will only cesarean section.
Unfortunately, this is usually the only chance to save the rest of the bitch and puppies. The puppy, which went wrong, has very little chance of escape.
Anomalies in the structure of the pelvis in females
Caucasian Shepherd
Another cause complications during childbirth is the anomaly structure of the pelvis females.
A similar anomaly is most often caused by a previously transferred bitch rickets or some injury. Also, the anomaly can be a bitch at birth. Wrong structure of the pelvis in this case is too narrow pelvis with a wide head.
"The Caucasian Shepherd"
Now rickets in Caucasian Shepherd is a very rare disease. This is due to the fact that veterinarians developed a number of different drugs that prevent your puppy from rickets.
If she previously received any injury of the pelvis, hips, and so on, to its owner at the time of birth should be especially careful. It is best to show a female vet, after consultation with whom will we know whether the female give birth to healthy pups without surgical intervention.
Weakened labor and delivery
Caucasian Shepherd
In some cases, generic activities may be impaired. Most often this happens in those litters, which contained a very large puppy. During birth the bitch for a long time to no avail tuzhitsya, the uterus is exhausted, and as a result of the bout ended.
To relieve the females in this situation, you will seek the assistance of a veterinarian. Usually, the doctor prescribes for a special injection, which is due to the action in 15-20 minutes contractions begin again.
If in the process of childbirth have any complications, the road becomes every second. Misconduct owner, lack of assistance dog could cause her death.
If the birth canal is not fully extended, the veterinarian can make even a shot. Yourself it is not recommended, as these drugs have a very strong effect, and in case of overdose, causing some serious complications. After repeated injections of 5-20 min fight resumed. Puppies in this case usually come quickly and easily.
In some cases, hormone injections do not have the desired result. After this, help can only caesarean section, which also can be assigned only to a veterinarian.
An experienced veterinarian after thorough examination of the bitch may immediately come to a decision to do cesarean without injections. This is illustrated in the case when the diameter is immediately obvious inconsistency of the birth canal and the size of a puppy.
In rare cases, uterine activity is greatly weakened, and puppies can be born only after the injection for each of them. This often leads to very strong uterine contractions, which as a result of this fast-exhausted and over time will just stop acting injection.
Strong uterine contractions caused by the frequent use of injections, sometimes lead to tearing of the walls of the uterus or its eversion. For such delivery must see a veterinarian.
In any case, making the injection, we can not allow the animal is useless muchilos more than 2-3 hours is better to do cesarean sections.
In some cases, the weakening of the uterus may be hereditary and be associated with disorders of hormonal balance. In bitches with the hereditary factor often techek cycle disorders. They better not be used for breeding.
"The Caucasian Shepherd"
Lack of labor
Caucasian Shepherd
This is a very serious complication of childbirth. It can cause a water bubble collapsed inside, not showing up out of the loop. Find it can only be regularly checking the litter bitch - it will be wet.
In this case the female is preparing to leave, she had difficulty breathing, but the contractions did not start. Such complications can arise as a result of adhesions formed, which arise from the previously undergone caesarean section.
If past generations have been a bitch to any complications in all subsequent monitoring it should be especially careful.
Veterinarian should be called, if after the withdrawal of water for some time the fight is not started. Assistance should be provided within 2-3 hours after the rupture of the water bladder. If left unattended, can result in loss of labor and bitches and puppies.
Caucasian Shepherd
Circulatory problems can occur if the manure contains a large number of puppies. In this case, the breakdown females can occur even for a week before the birth. In this state, the bitch is always stretched out hind legs, her breathing is usually difficult.
Because of gravity too enlarged uterus is pressure on the liver, spleen, and blood vessels, resulting in disrupted blood flow to critical organs. Breathing difficulty due to compression of the lungs.
Be sure to call the vet. In this case, cesarean section, carried out on time, gives a good result.
"Absorption" puppies
Caucasian Shepherd
"Absorption" puppies often happens in cases where the litter too many. Usually this happens early in pregnancy - up to 3-4 weeks.
Placenta puppies when they are many, almost together, and a puppy can be completely separated from its placenta.
In most cases, it goes without serious consequences for females. These puppies come in due time partially subscribe or parts. This does not affect the development of others.
Sometimes, these puppies are mummified and not out of the uterus during childbirth. They can be detected only by Caesarean section. If this happens, the bitch may be a tumor.
Many complications can be avoided if the time to show a female technician. Examination of the dog is better to spend 2 times - for a few days before birth and after.
Help with complicated childbirth
Caucasian Shepherd
In the case when the puppy is only slightly visible from the loop, but then does not go, you need human intervention.
Removing the puppy should be carried out under sterile conditions. A person who helps bitch in advance to be cut short and sawn nails. It is necessary not to get a puppy.
Hands should be washed and lubricate any antiseptic.
Care must be taken to catch the puppy in the area of the withers. During any attempts should be carefully and strongly pull out and down on an arc (to avoid damage to the back). Usually it is enough that the puppy out. In most cases, such assistance is needed one time, because in this situation usually gets first puppy - the largest one. This can also happen with the last pup, the bitch is tired.
"The Caucasian Shepherd"Help with cephalic presentation puppy
Caucasian Shepherd
Cephalic presentation is usually the norm when whelping, but in such a situation is difficult birth.
When the puppy's head appeared, but he himself, in spite of attempts, does not go out for a few seconds, you want to help people. It should be carefully broken bag of waters (in the place where the muzzle of the puppy), so that he could breathe.
Puppy in the normal position is back up. It should embrace the neck (top) and the fingers during any attempts to pull the puppy down (toward the belly females).
In some cases, even with assistance dog still can not get out. If you do not pass the shoulders, you need to carefully move your head from side to side. The shoulders should go. If you see a limb, you need to pull it forward and up, just be done with the other limb.
Once freed shoulders puppy, it is not advisable to pull up, now you need only send it down to the belly bitch.
In that case, when the puppy is very large, vacant after the shoulders, it should not pull the neck, but for the whole acting part. Usually the puppy's head and shoulders are the most bulk part of it, therefore, freeing them on delivery will take place much easier.Help breech puppy
Caucasian Shepherd
When the puppy is not the head and tail, it needs to grab the hind legs, as they seem from the birth canal. Not be allowed to extremities again they were gone. Usually, legs, covered with foil, and very slippery, disappearing into the birth canal, they may re-appear after a few minutes. And in this time the puppy could easily choke.
You can not squeeze too hard limbs puppy, it can lead to injury.
The situation is compounded if the ruptured bag of waters or the puppy is too large. In this situation, every second counts.
Keep your puppy it's best piece of any fabric, thanks to this it will not be so slippery.
Pull the puppy should be easy, smooth, but hard enough. It is important to remember that after 2-3 minutes the puppy stops the supply of blood through the umbilical cord. Puppy no longer receive oxygen and may die.
Some veterinarians do not recommend pulling a puppy at a time when the fight ended. But this is only possible when the puppy goes in the right position, and when he goes forward tail, wait for the fights you can not. Although the female experience and with some short-term pain, but it would be better than if she had just lost power, suffering for too long.
It is important not to cause injury puppy if to pull evenly and without jerking, his health did not threaten.
In some cases, particularly when the puppy is very large, the vagina can inject liquid paraffin oil, and thus a generic way. But it should be done only after already seem limb.
"The Caucasian Shepherd"
If you can take delivery alone, it will significantly reduce the severity of this process. Assistant should put a bitch on his feet and keep it under his belly, while the doctor pulls a puppy. Females will be much easier if it can rely on human wrist.Assistance, if the puppy goes back down
Caucasian Shepherd
When the puppy leaves the birth canal in the right position - back up his spine goes through a natural arch that forms the backbone females (either head or tail of it goes). In the case when the puppy goes in upside down (belly to back bitches), bending his spine is not the same as the curvature of the spine females.
When the puppy is already part of the body is visible and it is clear that it extends in an inverted position, it is necessary to inject into the vagina vaseline and gently try to turn the puppy. If this fails, then further deliveries usually take place without complications.
If the puppy will turn into the correct position only partially, it should also be turned. In any case, it will greatly facilitate the delivery.
If you turn the puppy does not work, you need to help him out in this position. If your dog goes on your head, you should immediately break the bag of waters, and wipe the muzzle, so that the puppy can breathe freely. Then it must be gently pull. Pulling a puppy to only in a downward direction, it gradually raising.
If the puppy comes out the tail, we must act in the same way, only faster.
In this situation, the most important:
● Do not allow your puppy spine bends unnaturally;
● to prevent too much stretching or tearing of the upper corner of the hinge folds when reversing bending back the puppy.
Caucasian Shepherd
Sometimes, pregnancy and childbirth are accompanied by complications in dogs caused by metabolic disorders, disorders of internal organs, improper care of animals.
"The Caucasian Shepherd"
False pregnancy can occur after sexual cycle is not accompanied by a viscous, or after mating dogs in the absence of fertilization. Symptoms of false pregnancy symptoms are similar to the present (excited state, the increase in the abdomen, the appearance of milk). Ailing dog to the vet to show that she will appoint a sedative drugs. In addition, the diet of the animal should be excluded milk and dairy products.
In the early stages of pregnancy in dogs can cause toxicosis. Its main symptoms are depression, weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting. Need to adapt to the diet of the animal.
Edema are the result of improper feeding and lack of physical activity a pregnant dog. Swelling usually formed on the hind legs and around the mammary glands.
In the case of this complication is recommended to reduce the amount of fluid in the diet, do not overfeed your dog, walk it regularly and perform massage in the area of edema.
Sometimes the dogs observed weakening of labor, caused by large-scale or multiple gestations and impaired physical condition of the animal. In this case, due to weak contractions of the uterus and muscles of the abdominal wall process of formation of pups born delayed.
You must call the vet, but before he came to dog first aid: Give a warm drink, to a massage. It is not recommended to use stimulant medications on their own, as this could cause irreparable harm to the body of the animal.
If malposition is hampered its excretion.
In this case, you can help the dog by gently pulling the puppy appeared to have part of the body (head or hind legs). You must first discuss this situation with your veterinarian.
Immediately contact a need in the following cases:
● absence of signs of labor after the due date;
● fights and attempts, not accompanied by the release of the fetus;
● stuck the fetus in the birth canal;
● occurrence of stillborn pups;
● reduction or termination of labor activity in the remaining fetuses in the womb;
● retention of placenta after the birth of puppies.
The complications of whelping
Caucasian Shepherd
Sometimes during the whelping females can have many complications.
In some cases, it is very difficult to draw a clear line between normal and anomaly. Many bitches any complications occur only after several births, while the first 3-4 litters were generally normal.
Every owner should be aware of possible complications during delivery and be able to help your dog and puppies.
Most often, novice owners can be divided into two categories:
● 1st category. This inexperienced owners who do not quite know what to do during labor dog. Confused, they in no way can help your dog. This is totally unacceptable. In many cases (especially if the puppy is already visible) enough to help just a little bitch and the puppy to avoid the many serious consequences;
"The Caucasian Shepherd"
● 2nd category. Quite the opposite type of the 1st owner. This is, by contrast, know-all that could theoretically know everything. As a result, these people instead of actually helping a bitch, make too much of anything unnecessary. Even in cases where childbirth are normal, they still interfere with the natural process.
The best assistant for your dog and newborn puppies that will be the owner who does not belong to any one of these categories, but is somewhere in between. These people have common sense and interfere with the delivery, only when really necessary.
For example, sometimes when the 1st puppy delayed birth, it can lead to death of all the other puppies. In this case, human intervention is required. If the bitch is not give to spend all their forces, the remaining pups are born easily and independently.
Complications during childbirth can be divided into:
● happening for a reason independent of the females;
● occurring by reason of which depends on the puppy.
Also among the complications can be identified by those who:
● owner can fix by yourself;
● more serious and dangerous, which requires an experienced veterinarian.
Wrong position of a puppy
Caucasian Shepherd
One of the most common causes of complications during childbirth is the wrong location pup at birth.
Usually, in such a situation puppy goes neck ahead, as his head was wrapped inside.
This is a very dangerous situation, because the puppy out with great difficulty, or just can not go alone.
Also dangerously wrong position back or limbs, which can also cause difficulties.
Usually, puppies are placed in the uterus back to back bitch, so they pass through the birth canal like an arc that does not cause the bending of the spine in an unnatural direction. Sometimes, instead of head first show puppy's tail. In all these cases, a qualified professional help.
In some cases, the complication is the simultaneous passage through the birth canal just two females puppies. Each of them holds the other, and they do not give each other to be born.
In very rare cases, a puppy instead naturally exit the birth canal, is moving in the opposite direction of the horn of the uterus. In this situation it will only cesarean section.
Unfortunately, this is usually the only chance to save the rest of the bitch and puppies. The puppy, which went wrong, has very little chance of escape.
Anomalies in the structure of the pelvis in females
Caucasian Shepherd
Another cause complications during childbirth is the anomaly structure of the pelvis females.
A similar anomaly is most often caused by a previously transferred bitch rickets or some injury. Also, the anomaly can be a bitch at birth. Wrong structure of the pelvis in this case is too narrow pelvis with a wide head.
"The Caucasian Shepherd"
Now rickets in Caucasian Shepherd is a very rare disease. This is due to the fact that veterinarians developed a number of different drugs that prevent your puppy from rickets.
If she previously received any injury of the pelvis, hips, and so on, to its owner at the time of birth should be especially careful. It is best to show a female vet, after consultation with whom will we know whether the female give birth to healthy pups without surgical intervention.
Weakened labor and delivery
Caucasian Shepherd
In some cases, generic activities may be impaired. Most often this happens in those litters, which contained a very large puppy. During birth the bitch for a long time to no avail tuzhitsya, the uterus is exhausted, and as a result of the bout ended.
To relieve the females in this situation, you will seek the assistance of a veterinarian. Usually, the doctor prescribes for a special injection, which is due to the action in 15-20 minutes contractions begin again.
If in the process of childbirth have any complications, the road becomes every second. Misconduct owner, lack of assistance dog could cause her death.
If the birth canal is not fully extended, the veterinarian can make even a shot. Yourself it is not recommended, as these drugs have a very strong effect, and in case of overdose, causing some serious complications. After repeated injections of 5-20 min fight resumed. Puppies in this case usually come quickly and easily.
In some cases, hormone injections do not have the desired result. After this, help can only caesarean section, which also can be assigned only to a veterinarian.
An experienced veterinarian after thorough examination of the bitch may immediately come to a decision to do cesarean without injections. This is illustrated in the case when the diameter is immediately obvious inconsistency of the birth canal and the size of a puppy.
In rare cases, uterine activity is greatly weakened, and puppies can be born only after the injection for each of them. This often leads to very strong uterine contractions, which as a result of this fast-exhausted and over time will just stop acting injection.
Strong uterine contractions caused by the frequent use of injections, sometimes lead to tearing of the walls of the uterus or its eversion. For such delivery must see a veterinarian.
In any case, making the injection, we can not allow the animal is useless muchilos more than 2-3 hours is better to do cesarean sections.
In some cases, the weakening of the uterus may be hereditary and be associated with disorders of hormonal balance. In bitches with the hereditary factor often techek cycle disorders. They better not be used for breeding.
"The Caucasian Shepherd"
Lack of labor
Caucasian Shepherd
This is a very serious complication of childbirth. It can cause a water bubble collapsed inside, not showing up out of the loop. Find it can only be regularly checking the litter bitch - it will be wet.
In this case the female is preparing to leave, she had difficulty breathing, but the contractions did not start. Such complications can arise as a result of adhesions formed, which arise from the previously undergone caesarean section.
If past generations have been a bitch to any complications in all subsequent monitoring it should be especially careful.
Veterinarian should be called, if after the withdrawal of water for some time the fight is not started. Assistance should be provided within 2-3 hours after the rupture of the water bladder. If left unattended, can result in loss of labor and bitches and puppies.
Caucasian Shepherd
Circulatory problems can occur if the manure contains a large number of puppies. In this case, the breakdown females can occur even for a week before the birth. In this state, the bitch is always stretched out hind legs, her breathing is usually difficult.
Because of gravity too enlarged uterus is pressure on the liver, spleen, and blood vessels, resulting in disrupted blood flow to critical organs. Breathing difficulty due to compression of the lungs.
Be sure to call the vet. In this case, cesarean section, carried out on time, gives a good result.
"Absorption" puppies
Caucasian Shepherd
"Absorption" puppies often happens in cases where the litter too many. Usually this happens early in pregnancy - up to 3-4 weeks.
Placenta puppies when they are many, almost together, and a puppy can be completely separated from its placenta.
In most cases, it goes without serious consequences for females. These puppies come in due time partially subscribe or parts. This does not affect the development of others.
Sometimes, these puppies are mummified and not out of the uterus during childbirth. They can be detected only by Caesarean section. If this happens, the bitch may be a tumor.
Many complications can be avoided if the time to show a female technician. Examination of the dog is better to spend 2 times - for a few days before birth and after.
Help with complicated childbirth
Caucasian Shepherd
In the case when the puppy is only slightly visible from the loop, but then does not go, you need human intervention.
Removing the puppy should be carried out under sterile conditions. A person who helps bitch in advance to be cut short and sawn nails. It is necessary not to get a puppy.
Hands should be washed and lubricate any antiseptic.
Care must be taken to catch the puppy in the area of the withers. During any attempts should be carefully and strongly pull out and down on an arc (to avoid damage to the back). Usually it is enough that the puppy out. In most cases, such assistance is needed one time, because in this situation usually gets first puppy - the largest one. This can also happen with the last pup, the bitch is tired.
"The Caucasian Shepherd"Help with cephalic presentation puppy
Caucasian Shepherd
Cephalic presentation is usually the norm when whelping, but in such a situation is difficult birth.
When the puppy's head appeared, but he himself, in spite of attempts, does not go out for a few seconds, you want to help people. It should be carefully broken bag of waters (in the place where the muzzle of the puppy), so that he could breathe.
Puppy in the normal position is back up. It should embrace the neck (top) and the fingers during any attempts to pull the puppy down (toward the belly females).
In some cases, even with assistance dog still can not get out. If you do not pass the shoulders, you need to carefully move your head from side to side. The shoulders should go. If you see a limb, you need to pull it forward and up, just be done with the other limb.
Once freed shoulders puppy, it is not advisable to pull up, now you need only send it down to the belly bitch.
In that case, when the puppy is very large, vacant after the shoulders, it should not pull the neck, but for the whole acting part. Usually the puppy's head and shoulders are the most bulk part of it, therefore, freeing them on delivery will take place much easier.Help breech puppy
Caucasian Shepherd
When the puppy is not the head and tail, it needs to grab the hind legs, as they seem from the birth canal. Not be allowed to extremities again they were gone. Usually, legs, covered with foil, and very slippery, disappearing into the birth canal, they may re-appear after a few minutes. And in this time the puppy could easily choke.
You can not squeeze too hard limbs puppy, it can lead to injury.
The situation is compounded if the ruptured bag of waters or the puppy is too large. In this situation, every second counts.
Keep your puppy it's best piece of any fabric, thanks to this it will not be so slippery.
Pull the puppy should be easy, smooth, but hard enough. It is important to remember that after 2-3 minutes the puppy stops the supply of blood through the umbilical cord. Puppy no longer receive oxygen and may die.
Some veterinarians do not recommend pulling a puppy at a time when the fight ended. But this is only possible when the puppy goes in the right position, and when he goes forward tail, wait for the fights you can not. Although the female experience and with some short-term pain, but it would be better than if she had just lost power, suffering for too long.
It is important not to cause injury puppy if to pull evenly and without jerking, his health did not threaten.
In some cases, particularly when the puppy is very large, the vagina can inject liquid paraffin oil, and thus a generic way. But it should be done only after already seem limb.
"The Caucasian Shepherd"
If you can take delivery alone, it will significantly reduce the severity of this process. Assistant should put a bitch on his feet and keep it under his belly, while the doctor pulls a puppy. Females will be much easier if it can rely on human wrist.Assistance, if the puppy goes back down
Caucasian Shepherd
When the puppy leaves the birth canal in the right position - back up his spine goes through a natural arch that forms the backbone females (either head or tail of it goes). In the case when the puppy goes in upside down (belly to back bitches), bending his spine is not the same as the curvature of the spine females.
When the puppy is already part of the body is visible and it is clear that it extends in an inverted position, it is necessary to inject into the vagina vaseline and gently try to turn the puppy. If this fails, then further deliveries usually take place without complications.
If the puppy will turn into the correct position only partially, it should also be turned. In any case, it will greatly facilitate the delivery.
If you turn the puppy does not work, you need to help him out in this position. If your dog goes on your head, you should immediately break the bag of waters, and wipe the muzzle, so that the puppy can breathe freely. Then it must be gently pull. Pulling a puppy to only in a downward direction, it gradually raising.
If the puppy comes out the tail, we must act in the same way, only faster.
In this situation, the most important:
● Do not allow your puppy spine bends unnaturally;
● to prevent too much stretching or tearing of the upper corner of the hinge folds when reversing bending back the puppy.