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среда, 10 августа 2011 г.

Commentary to standard CO

General impression.Caucasian Shepherd Dog - a dog and big growth vyshesrednego, strong and hard-rough type of addition, a strong, hardy, agile enough, even-tempered. Dogs of this breed are aggressive and distrustful of strangers, distinguished courage, confidence and tend to make decisions. In an extreme situation, Caucasian Shepherd, as a rule, attacks instantly, without the prior demonstration of aggression. Type of adding a dog, her steady, calm character, endurance, simplicity centuries formed under the influence of harsh conditions, scant feeding, heavy work around the clock, big hard hits. Naturally, the lively, emotional, excitable dog, while in similar circumstances, would unnecessarily waste power, tiring and would require improved housing and feeding to maintain optimal health. As for animals with excessive brutality addition, it is unlikely that such dogs are able to successfully resist predators because of their immobility and lack quick reactions.Growth and sexual typeOver the many years of experience we have not seen the Caucasian sheep-dogs, with growth of over 80 cm and at the same time harmonious and proportioned. As a rule, the higher the dog, the more apparent in its exterior undesirable characteristics: high on, too glenohumeral joint angle straightened, flattened ribs, lean and muscular nerelefnaya, dry, light, elongated head.

Format the body varies in different types of this breed, so as a defect or defects should be observed only cases of apparent disparities.
The index format is calculated by the formula:
Length of body---------------------------------- X 100Height at the withers
It is desirable that the index format was for males - 102-106, and for females - 102-108.Particular attention in the evaluation of the exterior Caucasian Shepherd should be paid to the development of bone. For this purpose, we introduced the concept of index bony.
The index is defined as the ratio of the bony metacarpus with height at the withers:
Metacarpus------------------------ X 100Height at the withers
Desirable bony index for males - 20-22, for females - ID-22.(For example, with an increase of 75 cm metacarpus of the dog must be at least 15 cm, which corresponds to a specified minimum.)Dogs should be much heavier, bigger, smaller females. Females, for the most part, much smaller, lighter and slimmer males. Sexual identity should be easily and unambiguously determined. And if the bitch is still possible to forgive a certain roughness addition, the ease of physique for males will be a huge disadvantage, bordering on evil. Small, lightweight, in female type dogs should be rejected and in any case not be allowed to breed.HeadMassive and heavy, which is proportional to the body, broad skull, covered with well developed muscles. Head length should be 39 - 40% of the height at the withers. Cheeks well developed, superciliary arches are not pronounced. Frons wide, flat, shallow furrow is divided into two parts. Go Stop well defined but smooth. Cheeks covered with well-developed chewing muscles. The upper jaw, which has developed a wide base and mimic muscles, and only a massive lower jaw, forming the bulk, in the form of a blunt, broad wedge face. Length of muzzle is shorter than half the length of the head of 3-5 cm (should be 36-38% of the total length of the head). Muzzle broad at base, little pointed, with thick, but dry, tight lips. The nose is large and black. The white and light fawn dogs without a dark mask may be clarified nose.The mouth of a Caucasian Shepherd opened so wide that you can see the last molars. This also contributes to the elasticity of the lips, which stretched well, should not hang down in the corners of the mouth or be raw. Too narrow, light or damp, turned up, too rough face could indicate a deviation from the desired type of constitution, and in an extreme form can lead to malocclusion.Viewed from the side line of the nasal bridge and forehead parallel. The transition from forehead to muzzle should not be too sharp (the so-called stop) or too tight, smooth. When viewed from above head Caucasian Shepherd should be similar to a very broad blunt wedge. Disabilities, and very significant, are not wide enough as the skull, flattened, underdeveloped cheek bones, poorly developed chewing muscles, and unnecessarily narrowed the end of the muzzle, the abrupt transition from the forehead to the front of the skull (not filled area in front of the eyes). When viewed face on the forehead between the ears, the line should not be rounded. Horizontality of the line determined by the degree of development of the chewing muscles attached to this place, and put the ears. Along the forehead with a small Caucasian Shepherd traced groove, which is the result of good development and the massiveness of the muscles covering the skull at this point.The shape and size of the head are among the most important hallmarks of the breed. But we should not forget that the head of all dogs, and especially in Caucasian Shepherd, functional - it is also a very powerful weapon, which determines the quality of their "professional competence". According to the law of physics, the longer the arms, the greater the force required to bring these instruments in action. Thus, the power compression jaws is determined by their length, as well as strength and muscle volume, resulting in these skeletal levers in action. Therefore, the shorter the arm bone jaw, massive skull head and the more developed zygomatic arches, allowing sufficient space for the formation of strong and muscle bulk, which connects the lower jaw to the skull, the greater will be the maximum possible compression force of the jaws. Power "kusatelnogo" device - one of the most important features, which allows the Caucasian sheep-dog wolfhound be unbeatable, and the structure of this "apparatus" should be beyond reproach.Due to the diverse nature of dogs of breed the Caucasian sheep-dog, there are several options for the form of the head. Three of them, the most typical and common, considered in Fig. 2.

Skull very massive, top of the head is broad, strongly developed zygomatic arches, bulging. Go Stop gradual but well-marked. Muzzle short, blunt, volume, area under the eyes is well filled.The lips are thick, elastic, but with no signs of dampness. When viewed from above the head is shaped like a broad blunt wedge.
Skull massive, top of the head is broad, flat forehead, cheeks well developed, protruding. Go Stop gradual, unspoken, is smooth. Lips rather thick, elastic, tight. Muzzle broad at the base and volume with a well-filled infraorbital region, but toward the nose tapers more visible than in the first case. For dogs with this type of head is characterized by more elongated snout. When viewed from above the head is shaped like a broad blunt wedge, but more pointed and elongated than in the previous example.
A lot of dogs occurs, the head of which is very different from the first two types. These animals are quite massive top of the head with well developed, but not very prominent cheekbones. The area under the eyes is well filled. The forehead is flat, the transition from forehead to muzzle a smoother, less pronounced than in the first case. Muzzle broad at the base, tapering towards the nose, to a lesser extent than in the previous two versions. When viewed from above the head is shaped like a truncated wedge.

There is another type of heads, which are characterized by more or less massive skull, cheekbones, but some are flattened. The muzzle is not enough volume at the base, infraorbital area is filled with weak, narrow nasal bridge, but the thick lips, hang down and form wrinkles. When viewed from above the head no wedge-shaped, since the transition to the front of the skull is too sharp. Unfortunately, quite often seen dogs who have similar deficiencies in the structure of the head.Most serious drawbacks are the hollows under the eyes and sunken temples, somewhat lighter head, roundish or high forehead, sloping head, bluff, or a poorly defined transition from forehead to muzzle, overdeveloped eyebrows, cheekbones, not expressed, short, somewhat turned up, or elongated and slightly lowered snout, underdeveloped lower jaw, greyish or brownish nose at a normal, intense color of the coat (if this feature is not linked to heredity and the terms and feeding).EyesSmall, deep-set, obliquely set, oval section, with dry, strained over the centuries. Dark brown and brown.Hocks, size and shape of the eye associated with the characteristic anatomic features of the breed structure of the skull, so that any deviation from the recommended standard parameters that determine these signs indicate a lack of breed individuals violating the desired type of addition.EarsSmall, set high, hanging, short cropped as a puppy. Often poor ears can be seen in dogs with excessively rude addition. Typically, this sign indicates a change in the type of constitution.TeethWhite, large, well developed, tight to each other. Complete dentition (42). Scissors bite. The incisors are located at the bottom of the lineup. The line cutter is wide. Underdeveloped (Light), the lower jaw can lead to a vicious bite, so-called "overshot" in which the lower incisors not in contact with the maxillary incisors. Needless to narrow lower jaw leaves insufficient space for normal development of the front teeth. The organism compensates for this lack of a dog by the strong bending of the line cutters. Such undesirable changes in the anatomy of the jaw may cause malocclusion not only, but edentate. Dogs that are too rough, or the volume turned up nose, a tendency to bite. With age, erasing the teeth of dogs that had a tight bite, can result in medium-sized incisors bite. It is desirable (so that the Caucasian Shepherd teeth were large and had no signs of premature deterioration and damage.NeckA powerful, short, planted at an angle of 30-40 ° to the longitudinal axis of the body. Wareh neck is closely related to the anatomical structure and development of the front of the case. Typically, the neck length (from occiput to withers) should equal the length of the head. The main functions of the neck are not only keeping the head in position and ensure transition to the body, it must transmit to the head of a dog, a powerful pulse, obtained from the hind limbs and body at the time of the attack, serve as a cushion for the implementation of the grip and make their own strengths, accurate movement to help the dog to successfully attack and defend. Too long, thin or weak neck can not withstand the huge success with loads encountered during the fight (fight), and will not allow the Caucasian sheep-dog to fully realize their potential wolfhound.HousingWithers - a broad, muscular, well above the back line stands out, especially in males. The severity and length of withers and the length is determined by the slope of the scapula, long spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae (from domestic sheep dogs spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae are long, well-developed) and the development of deep and superficial muscles of the shoulder girdle. Paddle in the Caucasian Shepherd should be wide enough, long, muscled and slanting, which greatly improves its shock absorbing ability. Typically, blade rises above the spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae 1-2 cm well-developed musculature of the withers and the correct anatomical structure of this part of the case provide a normal depreciation and the mechanics of movement. Needless to short, unexpressed or poorly developed withers indicates either a lack of physical development, or of significant deficiencies in the anatomical structure of the dog.The back is broad, straight and muscular. Actually the spin (in the anatomical concept) consists of 13 thoracic vertebrae. The width of the back is determined by the angulation of ribs to the spine and the degree of development of deep and superficial muscles of the thoracic spine. Shortcomings observed in the structure of the spine can be hereditary, and the result of improper breeding or disease.Loin short, broad, somewhat convex. The lumbar spine consists of seven lumbar vertebrae. The desired ratio of length to waist length of the spine - 1:2. To get the best spring action required when driving a dog, loin should be well muscled and slightly convex. This anatomy allows the Caucasian sheep-dog have a solid topline, which is necessary for increasing the efficiency of movement to successfully withstand specific loads that arise during the attack and fight.Croup broad, muscular, almost horizontal delivered. This Wareh croup associated in the first place, with the characteristic of the breed structure of the hind limb with some straightened angulation and not long levers. The slope of grain is mainly determined by the position of the pelvis and connected to it by powerful ligaments sacral spine. Go to the pelvic bones are attached muscles of the abdomen, hind limbs, the lumbar region. Thus, one function of the pelvis is the transfer of thrust from the hind limbs to the body during movement. As sloping croup (too much pelvic tilt) and pryamozadost (basin is almost flat) lead to declines in traffic, since in both cases (due to the anatomical structure) are not provided with the necessary strength and direction of thrust of the hind limbs during running. Poorly developed muscles of the pelvic girdle indicate either a lack of physical development of the animal, or of significant deficiencies in the anatomical structure of the croup. Narrow croup, not providing a sufficiently wide hocked hind legs and, hence, the stability of the entire body proper dog is a serious drawback for the Caucasian Shepherd.Tail Set on high, serpoobrazny, hook or ring. Lowered down to reach the hock. Tail set is closely related to the structure of the croup. Low set tail, usually accompanied by Croup falling away. The shape of the tail is determined by the degree of development of flexor and extensor muscles and ligaments of the caudal length of the spine.Chest broad, deep, rounded shape. The lower part of the chest is in line with the elbows or below them. Caucasian shepherd dog, like all dogs mastiff similar origin have a strong chest. Structure and development of the chest are important, because within it are placed such vital organs as the heart and lungs, and muscles are attached on the outside shoulder girdle. The chest should be fairly rounded, but not too convex, barrel-shaped. It is also desirable too narrow, though very deep chest, as in this case not only greatly reduces the space required for the normal functioning of the internal organs, but also creates considerable difficulties in finding a dog in a standing position (too small footprint, and the dog uncomfortable stand, so to compensate for this lack of an animal, as a rule, turns out the pastern). Convexity front of the chest is determined by how ahead of the shoulder joint, serves the front part of the sternum. Undesirable feature is the sunken chest, as in this case, the shoulder and elbow joint may lose necessary for the proper motion link with the body. The length of the breast depends not only on the length of the spine, but also on the length of the sternum and curved last pairs of ribs.Belly moderately tucked up. The line of the abdomen (the degree of smartness, length) depends on the development of relevant muscle groups, the length of the sternum and ribs bending (due to short thorax, the length of the abdomen), the type of addition, the health of the dog and the nature of nursing.ForelimbsStraight and parallel to each other when viewed from the front. The length of the forelimb from ground to elbow is equal to or slightly more than half the height at the withers. Glenohumeral joint angle of about 100 °. It is desirable that the length of the shoulder blades was equal to the length or slightly longer. Forearms are straight (in a section almost round), moderately long and robust.
High on the index:
The length of the forelimb to the elbow-------------------------------------------------- --- x 100 = 50-54Height at the withers
Elbows are directed straight back. The pasterns are short, massive, vertically separated. It is desirable that metacarpus in males was not less than 14 cm for females - not less than 13 cm, however, is unlikely to meet the Caucasian sheep-dog, not going beyond the hard-rough-type constitution, with the metacarpus more than 17 cm for males and 16 cm females. Dog having too rough addition, at least lose the mobility and agility so necessary Caucasian sheepdogs for a successful struggle with a predator or a man.

The length of levers (bones) and angulation (joints), and the development of muscular front legs should ensure maximum efficiency of movement the dog. Posed vertically upright blade and located a short humerus (unnecessarily obtuse angle glenohumeral joint) do not provide sufficient vymaha forelimb - a step becomes too short, mincing, shock-absorbing ability of the forelimb is reduced. If the humerus is long enough to implement the sweeping movements, too obtuse angle with glenohumeral joint, it is likely that, in this case, the elbow is below the chest and, after losing support on the body, will get too much freedom, that may entail summing elbows under your chest or, conversely, the inversion of the elbows out. Too sharp an angle glenohumeral joint also undesirable, since in this case, the dog will nizkoperedoy, and movements of front and hind legs are not balanced. Short forearm also entails a deterioration of the cushioning and nizkoperedost ability limb. These weaknesses adversely affect the quality of movements. The length and slope of the pastern in the Caucasian sheep-dogs determined by the massiveness of the addition and the structural features of the entire apparatus of movement. Too long and soft, sloping pastern (angle more than 15 degrees) in the large and heavy dogs feel much more work than the short and having a slight slope. Particularly strong increases are loads of fast paces.HindquartersWhen viewed from behind - straight and parallel to the set, the side - somewhat rectified in the knee joints. Thighs wide enough and well muscled. Tibia short (preferably, the length of the tibia was equal to the length of the thigh). Hocks strong, broad, somewhat rectified. Hock massive (in the section have a rounded shape), vertically separated. Plumb line dropped from point of buttock down, passes through the center of the hock joint and metatarsals. Wareh not drawn.Hindquarters Caucasian Shepherd have a characteristic structure that allows these dogs for the expense of power instantly develop a high speed when running a quarry that is necessary for the successful prosecution of a predator and a bout with him.Needless to angulation of the hind limbs, with normal length arms may indicate a lack of ligament strength, in this case, the dog will move as if in poluprisyadi (goose-step). Long arms and angulation of the hind limbs are not typical for the Caucasian sheep-dogs, but rather are inherent in dogs intended for long-run trot. Movement of the Caucasian Shepherd with the structure of the extremities is unlikely to be balanced or the dog will not have the characteristic of the breed in general anatomy. Long levers at the extremities obtuse angles of joints may cause severe overbuilt. It is desirable that the thigh in the rest position is articulated with the pelvis at an angle of 100 °, and angle of the knee joint connecting the femur and tibia, should be approximately 150 °. It is important to well-developed musculature of the hind limbs (rump, thighs and drumsticks).The reason for shortcomings in hocked hindquarters are: the weakness of ligaments, the inconsistencies in the length of the levers, in violation of the anatomy of the pelvis, cereals, curved bone transferred in connection with rickets.Paws in the Caucasian sheep-dogs, as the front and rear, large, oval (nearly round), arched and tight. Fingers should not be straightened, and the claws should not protrude forward, parallel to the ground.

MovementLeisurely, free. Characteristic gait - a short trot, turning in acceleration of pace in gyazhely, but a quick gallop. Joints of the extremities freely unbent. Topline elastic, springy motion. Withers and cereal while driving on the same level. This character of the movement inherent in the Caucasian sheep-dogs in connection with the fitness of their vehicle movements to fast, but not the duration of the run the quarry, which is necessary for the pursuit of a predator. Moreover, in dogs with this type of movements the center of gravity can not be located relatively high hip, so the dog does not vysokoperedaya Caucasian and not suited for long-run trot at high speeds, so that it is not required because These dogs have always used not only for pastoral work, how to guard.Pacing is not characteristic of the Caucasian Shepherd gait may occur as a result of anatomical features, so be it due to abnormalities of the nervous system or just a psychological discomfort caused by the dog.Coat and colorThe coat is straight, coarse, with a strongly developed undercoat of a lighter tone. On head and front of the legs the hair is short, skintight.Currently, a large number of dogs in which the head and front of the legs and the hair is long enough sticking out, which creates great difficulties in assessing a massive bone structure, size and accuracy of the lines of the head. It is important to correctly identify the real solidity addition of a dog, because the estimate obtained at the exhibition, is one of the main criteria to be included in the dog breeding.Depending on the length of hair are two types of coat:1. Long-haired - with long guard hairs and a cover (11-12 cm) and a well-developed "lavatory" wool, which is on the ears and the neck forms a "mane", and on the extremities - "tow" and "pants" (30 cm). Coat covering the tail on all sides, making it thick and fluffy. Rich surround the tail.2. Short-haired - with a relatively short (6-7 cm) and guard coat. "Mane", "feathered", "pants" and tail suspension for missing.Color can be white, sable-fawn and red, brown, brindle, sable-gray of different shades, piebald and spotted in combination with the listed color. Tainted are: black, black and white, black and tan and brown of different shades and in various combinations.
