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Caucasian Shepherd was formed as a dog - a hard worker, nature never gave her something for nothing. The man, in this case used the DA as a ...
понедельник, 28 ноября 2011 г.
Legends and myths about dogs.
Legends and myths about dogs.
Myths and legends about dogs found in many nations. The dog was never considered an ordinary animal, a man identified her special place in their beliefs, many legends and myths.
According to Greek mythology, the three-headed dog Cerberus, the neck is moving snake, guarded exit from the underworld of Hades that the souls of dead could not return to the society of the living. There, in the realm of Hades, on the banks of the sacred river Styx were carried out monstrous dog. They accompanied the retinue of the goddess Hecate (ancient attributed to her the dog barking, the dog's head, the dog's appearance), which moonless nights wandering the roads and near the graves. Hecate sends to the nightmares of sleeping people and heavy dreams. She was considered a helper in witchcraft. And to appease it, people brought her to the sacrifice of dogs.
In one of the ancient Greek myth tells us that Orpheus, Eurydice trying to return from the realm of the dead, cast a spell terrible Cerberus guards with their singing. In another - the prophetess Sibyl patron who fled from the destruction of Troy Aeneas and helped him to descend into the underworld of Hades, Cerberus abandoned the cake with the soporific herb. Probably nothing worldly formidable guard was not alien to, and common sop break all his strict principles.
According to legend the ancient Greek dogs rescued from the enemy city of Corinth. Fifty dogs guarded the citadel. One night, when the internal garrison slept, an enemy fleet sailed, and on the outskirts of the city began a battle with the dogs, loyal guards. Help people appeared in time when there was only one live dog, Soter. The enemy was defeated, and the citadel is saved, Soter also received an award for his bravery a silver collar with the inscription "Soter - the defender and savior of Corinth." In his honor, erected a marble monument.
Homer can read one of the most beautiful stories about the dog. When Odysseus disguised as a beggar returned to his home in Ithaca, and no one recognized, reached his house, his dog Argo was old and infirm. He was lying on a pile of manure, covered with ticks, maids they were not engaged, because everyone was convinced that Odysseus would never return. But the old blind Argo learned of his master, and having no strength to rise only slightly wagged his tail. Odyssey is a faithful moved to tears.
In Eastern countries there is a legend about the origin of the greyhound dog: "One day King Solomon, according to the command received from God, he ordered all the animals gather at the general congress, to which each of them could express their needs and desires, and instead listen to the mandate of the Creator, as is to each other. The call of the king came to the Congress all the animals except for a hedgehog. Angered by such disobedience to the king turned to him with the question - will not cause anyone to go to the search disobedient. found only two hunters, horse and dog. The horse said: " I'll get unruly, I pasture from his lair, but I'll be able to take it - it is too high, my growth, and also my nostrils are not protected from puncture rod of needles. "dog also said:" I'm not afraid of prickly needles, but my face is too fat, and I will not be able to push her into the lair of a hedgehog, if it be hidden there before I'll grab it. "On hearing this, the Prophet said:" Yes, you're right. But I do not want to disfigure the horse, reducing its growth, it would be a very poor reward for her diligence and obedience. Better as I will add beauty to a dog to reward her for expressing eagerness. "Having said this, the king took the animal's face with both hands and stroked until it until it became quite thin and pointed. Then everyone present saw that the dog has turned into a harmonious graceful greyhound. Both volunteers immediately set off in search of the king, and soon presented a stubborn animal. King Solomon was very pleased urchin severely punished, and the horse and dog expressed a special favor: "From now on you will be companions of man and the first after it in the face of God."
An excellent confirmation of the attachment to the dog the human race is novoassiriyskaya parable that can be called "a parable about true friendship." There was a man, he was a dog. The dog guarded the house and garden, but it's time, the dog has grown old, and then the man said to himself: "Why do I keep the dog if it is so old? I will go and drown her." He untied the boat, put it in the dog, which tied a stone around his neck, and swam to the middle of the river. When the boat sailed on rapids, a man stood up, picked up the dog and threw it into the water. But from a sharp jolt the boat swung, the man could not resist, fell into the river and began to sink. Loop with a stone slipped off a wet dog's neck, and it was free. Of all the forces rushed to rescue a dog person and dragged him to shore. The man was still alive and together with the dog returned home. He was thoughtful and caring for her while she was alive.
The origin of naked dogs shrouded in myths and legends. It is believed that numerous hairless breeds originated in Africa. They lived in Mexico, China, Turkey, Peru, Ethiopia, Argentina, the Caribbean and the Philippines. Naked Dogs - oldest known rocks on Earth, surviving intact. As a totem animal, hairless dog was the object of worship and is considered the most powerful embodiment of selfless love for man. According to one legend, the dog found in a forest lost a baby and trying to warm him, shook him with all his furry coat. When her parents found a dog rescued the child, they were so happy, that took her with him. Learning of this, God is good all decided to tie the dog to the people and made her naked. At the same time one of hairless dogs puppies are always born feather to the right time once again to help the person and share with him his coat.
Myths and legends about dogs found in many nations. The dog was never considered an ordinary animal, a man identified her special place in their beliefs, many legends and myths.
According to Greek mythology, the three-headed dog Cerberus, the neck is moving snake, guarded exit from the underworld of Hades that the souls of dead could not return to the society of the living. There, in the realm of Hades, on the banks of the sacred river Styx were carried out monstrous dog. They accompanied the retinue of the goddess Hecate (ancient attributed to her the dog barking, the dog's head, the dog's appearance), which moonless nights wandering the roads and near the graves. Hecate sends to the nightmares of sleeping people and heavy dreams. She was considered a helper in witchcraft. And to appease it, people brought her to the sacrifice of dogs.
In one of the ancient Greek myth tells us that Orpheus, Eurydice trying to return from the realm of the dead, cast a spell terrible Cerberus guards with their singing. In another - the prophetess Sibyl patron who fled from the destruction of Troy Aeneas and helped him to descend into the underworld of Hades, Cerberus abandoned the cake with the soporific herb. Probably nothing worldly formidable guard was not alien to, and common sop break all his strict principles.
According to legend the ancient Greek dogs rescued from the enemy city of Corinth. Fifty dogs guarded the citadel. One night, when the internal garrison slept, an enemy fleet sailed, and on the outskirts of the city began a battle with the dogs, loyal guards. Help people appeared in time when there was only one live dog, Soter. The enemy was defeated, and the citadel is saved, Soter also received an award for his bravery a silver collar with the inscription "Soter - the defender and savior of Corinth." In his honor, erected a marble monument.
Homer can read one of the most beautiful stories about the dog. When Odysseus disguised as a beggar returned to his home in Ithaca, and no one recognized, reached his house, his dog Argo was old and infirm. He was lying on a pile of manure, covered with ticks, maids they were not engaged, because everyone was convinced that Odysseus would never return. But the old blind Argo learned of his master, and having no strength to rise only slightly wagged his tail. Odyssey is a faithful moved to tears.
In Eastern countries there is a legend about the origin of the greyhound dog: "One day King Solomon, according to the command received from God, he ordered all the animals gather at the general congress, to which each of them could express their needs and desires, and instead listen to the mandate of the Creator, as is to each other. The call of the king came to the Congress all the animals except for a hedgehog. Angered by such disobedience to the king turned to him with the question - will not cause anyone to go to the search disobedient. found only two hunters, horse and dog. The horse said: " I'll get unruly, I pasture from his lair, but I'll be able to take it - it is too high, my growth, and also my nostrils are not protected from puncture rod of needles. "dog also said:" I'm not afraid of prickly needles, but my face is too fat, and I will not be able to push her into the lair of a hedgehog, if it be hidden there before I'll grab it. "On hearing this, the Prophet said:" Yes, you're right. But I do not want to disfigure the horse, reducing its growth, it would be a very poor reward for her diligence and obedience. Better as I will add beauty to a dog to reward her for expressing eagerness. "Having said this, the king took the animal's face with both hands and stroked until it until it became quite thin and pointed. Then everyone present saw that the dog has turned into a harmonious graceful greyhound. Both volunteers immediately set off in search of the king, and soon presented a stubborn animal. King Solomon was very pleased urchin severely punished, and the horse and dog expressed a special favor: "From now on you will be companions of man and the first after it in the face of God."
An excellent confirmation of the attachment to the dog the human race is novoassiriyskaya parable that can be called "a parable about true friendship." There was a man, he was a dog. The dog guarded the house and garden, but it's time, the dog has grown old, and then the man said to himself: "Why do I keep the dog if it is so old? I will go and drown her." He untied the boat, put it in the dog, which tied a stone around his neck, and swam to the middle of the river. When the boat sailed on rapids, a man stood up, picked up the dog and threw it into the water. But from a sharp jolt the boat swung, the man could not resist, fell into the river and began to sink. Loop with a stone slipped off a wet dog's neck, and it was free. Of all the forces rushed to rescue a dog person and dragged him to shore. The man was still alive and together with the dog returned home. He was thoughtful and caring for her while she was alive.
The origin of naked dogs shrouded in myths and legends. It is believed that numerous hairless breeds originated in Africa. They lived in Mexico, China, Turkey, Peru, Ethiopia, Argentina, the Caribbean and the Philippines. Naked Dogs - oldest known rocks on Earth, surviving intact. As a totem animal, hairless dog was the object of worship and is considered the most powerful embodiment of selfless love for man. According to one legend, the dog found in a forest lost a baby and trying to warm him, shook him with all his furry coat. When her parents found a dog rescued the child, they were so happy, that took her with him. Learning of this, God is good all decided to tie the dog to the people and made her naked. At the same time one of hairless dogs puppies are always born feather to the right time once again to help the person and share with him his coat.
CAUCASIAN SHEEPDOG in the films "BURAN"(fragments).
Prizes at the International Film Festival of Films for Children (2008) and Kinomalysh in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2008).
The events of the film "Buran" begins in 1989 at a time when the Berlin Wall collapses. Finnish musician arrives on tour in Germany. Walking through the market in East Berlin, he accidentally finds an unusual breed of dog. Puppy faces death, and takes away his musician with him to Finland.
Unusual dog that resembles a fluffy ball, is astounding family Malinin. Nothing is known about this dog, even her breed remains a mystery. Wrapped with love and warmth, Buran is growing, not knowing the rules and boundaries. Touching fluffy ball imperceptibly into a whopper, reminiscent in its power tractor.
No fences, chains can not hold a strong dog that starts to violently guard the family Malinin. This is experienced by friends, neighbors, school director, bear and even a tank regiment. As a result, the family unravels the mystery of his unusual pet.
It turns out that Buran - a Caucasian sheepdog, a descendant of watchdogs guarding the Berlin Wall. When the Berlin Wall destroyed, 7,000 dogs on guard duty were destroyed and the dead puppy dogs were given anyone.
Touching story of a dog Buran is based on real events. Implicit in the tragedy, shows how the political structure of Europe's twentieth century, turns out the dog man's best friend into an enemy of man. Buran - the film is for anyone who loves animals.
The events of the film "Buran" begins in 1989 at a time when the Berlin Wall collapses. Finnish musician arrives on tour in Germany. Walking through the market in East Berlin, he accidentally finds an unusual breed of dog. Puppy faces death, and takes away his musician with him to Finland.
Unusual dog that resembles a fluffy ball, is astounding family Malinin. Nothing is known about this dog, even her breed remains a mystery. Wrapped with love and warmth, Buran is growing, not knowing the rules and boundaries. Touching fluffy ball imperceptibly into a whopper, reminiscent in its power tractor.
No fences, chains can not hold a strong dog that starts to violently guard the family Malinin. This is experienced by friends, neighbors, school director, bear and even a tank regiment. As a result, the family unravels the mystery of his unusual pet.
It turns out that Buran - a Caucasian sheepdog, a descendant of watchdogs guarding the Berlin Wall. When the Berlin Wall destroyed, 7,000 dogs on guard duty were destroyed and the dead puppy dogs were given anyone.
Touching story of a dog Buran is based on real events. Implicit in the tragedy, shows how the political structure of Europe's twentieth century, turns out the dog man's best friend into an enemy of man. Buran - the film is for anyone who loves animals.
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