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воскресенье, 20 ноября 2011 г.

Two sources DEVOTION.

Two sources DEVOTION( from the book of the ethologist Konrad Lorenz " Man finds a friend " ).

Anyone who has had to have more than one dog, you knowhow different are the dog personality. There is absolutely similar to the two dogs, and no two people are alike - even among twins. But,identifying the specific features of each of the humanthe nature and combining them into a category can be up to a certainextent explain the different temperaments, although similaranalysis of the infinite diversity of the studied materialnever reach the status of an exact science. Dogpersonality is much simpler and therefore much easier for usexplain the features of different nature, considering thedevelopment of certain "characterological" features and theircombination for a given individual.
Of course, I'm not going to spend in this book is a scientificstudy of character traits the domestic dog, butnevertheless try to show how the interactionsome innate behaviors, and in particulartwo of them, creates an extremely wide range of dogcharacters, at first glance, radically differenteach other. These two properties selected by me inprimarily determine the ratio of dog to its owner, andbecause they are of great interest to fansof dogs. of dogs. Devotion to the dog owner arises from twocompletely different sources. In many ways, she explainsthose ties that bind a wild dog with mother onlyin childhood, while the domestic dog remains at alllife and, together with a number of other factors contributes tothat some children's personality traits do not disappear, and whenanimal becomes an adult. Another root of devotionlaid down in the fidelity, which connects the series with a dogleader of the pack, or arises out of affection, fedindividual family members to each other. In dogs with a wolfthe blood that goes much deeper root than in the offspringjackal, and the obvious reason: the conservation of the pack ismuch greater role in the life of a wolf, jackal, than in life.
If you take the puppy home in non-domesticated representativedog family and raise him as a dog can be easilyimagine that the need for a wild baby in the care andcare that is equivalent to a lifelong relationship that existsbetween the majority of our pet dogs and their owners.Captive wolf is usually shy, prefers darkcorners and obviously afraid to cross the open space. Hehighly distrustful of strangers and, if suchpeople try to pet him, can violently and withoutWarning to grab a caressing hand. He has aBirth is very prone to bite from fear (in Germansuch animals are called "angstbayser"), but to the ownercub attaches itself and relies on it in the same waylike a puppy. If it is a female, which under normalDuring the event, growing up, begins to perceive the male leader-as the "host", experienced trainers can sometimes takeplace of the leader at a time when infantdependence of the female comes to naught, and sosecure her affection, and in the future. One OneViennese police managed to achieve this commitment byhis famous wolf Poldi. But the one who bringsmale wolf, waiting for the inevitable disappointment - as soon aswolf becomes an adult, he suddenly ceases to obeythe owner and kept in full independence. Its behavior onrelation to the former owner does not show any malice norSavage - he still treats him as a friend,but he was bigger and would never blindly obeyowner, and he may even try to subjugate itand become a leader. Given the power of wolf teeth is not necessarysurprising that this procedure sometimes takes quite abloody character.
The same thing happened with the dingo, which I took on the fifth dayhis life, put to the breast-feeding a dog and raised, notspare time and effort. This wild dog is not trying to subjugateI myself, or bite, but as an adult, she graduallyloss of former obedience, and it happened veryin a curious way. While my dingo was a puppy, its behaviordid not differ from that of an ordinary dog. When WhenI chastised him for some misdemeanor, he expressed hisremorse for the usual canine manner, that is trying toto appease the angry expressions of submission and the hostpleas, and calmed down, only when jolly,signifying forgiveness. However, when he was eighteenyears, his behavior changed dramatically - it is stillwithout resistance, took the punishment, even beaten, but barelyall ended, as he was shaken with a friendly wagging metail and ran away, inviting me to chase him. In otherwords, the penalty had no effect on his mood andproduced on him the slightest action, up to and includingthat he could immediately repeat the offense for which onlyhave suffered a fair punishment, for example, again encroach onthe life of one of the most valuable of my ducks. In the same age, helost all desire to accompany me during walksand just ran away, where he wanted, without paying any attentionon my team. Nevertheless, I must emphasize thatenjoyed the warmest of his position, and when wenot met, he greeted me with the utmostcanine ceremony. Do not expect that a wild animalwill deal with a person other than with individuals of theirthe species. We shall return to this issue when weexamine the relationship between humans and cats. My dingo,absolutely no doubt entertained me the most ardent feelings,but humility and obedience here just to do with it.
Domesticated dogs, jackals dominatedblood, all his life remain the same depending on theirhost, in which the young are the wild dogs ofof adults. of adults. And this is not the only child trait inUnlike wild dogs they keep for life.Short hair, a tail ring and pendant ears, typicalmany species, and most importantly, short muzzle and convexitythe skull, which we have already seen in peat dogs (Canisfamiliaris palustris), - these features are characteristic of wildforms only a young animal, but the domestic dogretained throughout her life.
Like most of the character traits,infantilism may be advantages and disadvantages -it all depends on the degree. Dogs, completely devoid of it, thoughand interesting for its independence, the owner is not particularly happydeliver, as they incorrigible rogue and only timeoccasionally condescend to visit the home of its owner(The word "owner" here obviously does not apply). With age, suchDogs often become dangerous, as devoid oftypical dog obedience, they may bite or knockwith human legs, as if another dog. However, condemning spiritvagrancy and the concomitant lack of loyaltythe owner or the place, I should add that the excess of youthdependence can, oddly enough, almost lead to the sameresults, which leads to its complete absence.
Although most of our domestic dogs their originsdevotion to lie precisely in this, to some extentpersistent immaturity, it gives the excessdifferent picture. These dogs are extremely affectionatewith their hosts - and along with other people. In In"The Ring of Solomon" I have compared this type of dogs withspoiled children that every man is called"Uncle" and any stranger to impose theirunsolicited friendship. And it's not a question of if such a dogknows his master, - on the contrary, she is happy for his returnand enthusiastically welcomed him more than others, afterwhich readily escapes from the first counter. Such aindiscriminate friendliness to all mankind,undoubtedly generate strong infantile - this isprove the whole structure of the behavior of these dogs. They Theyalways too prone to play, and long afterhow they will be a year and all of their normal peershave time to settle down long ago, they still bite their landladythongs and inflict mortal wounds curtains, and most importantly -maintain a slavish obedience, which the other dogs atgrowing up quickly gives way to a healthy self-confidence.Hollow out a sense of duty to a stranger, adog falls obsequiously before him on his back, he isstrictly speaking to her. And the one who holds her leash, forIt is awesome and powerful host.
A happy medium between too much and too dependentindependent dog - this is truly the ideal devoteethe dog. This ideal is found far less frequently and so, inAnyway, much less than meets the average ownerthe dog.
A certain degree of immaturity lastingrequires that the dog had for his master and lovedevotion, but its excess causes a dog as obedientadore all men indiscriminately. Therefore, only a relativelyfew dogs will actually defend his master'sof a bully: although they did not remain indifferent tothat the owner was attacked by someone, but people in general inspiresblagoveynoe respect them, and they are not able to causehim harm.
Loyalty of dogs belonging to the species, in the veinswhich runs for some wolf blood, principallydifferent from the dedication of our central European breeds,leading, apparently, their origin directly fromjackals. It is unlikely that there are rocks, dating back to the rightwolves: there is every reason to believe that a person at thetime, when he began to settle in the Arctic regions, wherecame into contact with the tundra wolf, alreadyaccompanied by a dog jackal blood. Cross-breeding with wolvesdomestic dogs of northern peoples was, obviously,relatively late and, in any case, muchlater than the first domestication of the jackal. As the wolfstronger and fitter, could be a need forrocks with a significant predominance of wolf blood, andand indomitable ferocity, probably not too botheredinhabitants of the Far North - the innate animal trainers,able to cope with the most independent dogs.The immediate result of this large and relativelyrecent tide wolf blood was significantlyattenuation "wolves" domesticated breeds traits, andSpecifically, the enduring immaturity. It is being replaceddependence of a different type, which owes itsorigin of the specific features of the wolf. If Ifjackal eats mostly carrion, the wolf - a real predator andwinter needs the help of his brethren, huntinglarge herbivores - it is the only food in this time of year.
In order to provide themselves with enough food,wolf pack forced to travel long distances, andresults depend on the hunting of mutual support in those momentswhen its members can hunt game birds. Strict organizationflocks, selfless dedication and unwavering leadermutual gain - that's necessary conditions for successfulsurvival of this species in the hard struggle for existence.These wolves properties fully explain the essence of a verysignificant differences in the nature of "jackals" and "wolf" dogs- Differences that are evident to all who truly understandsof dogs. of dogs. The former refers to the owners as todogs, parents, and the latter see them as a leader of the pack and morebehave with them accordingly.
Infantile obedience dog in wolf-jackalcorresponds to a proud dog "man's" loyalty, whichsubmission plays a minor role, and enslavement- No. Wolf dog in contrast to the jackal does notsees a host of something like a cross between the father and God, for itHe soon companion, though her affection for him muchdurable and not easily transferred to someone elseother. This is the "Monogamous" develops in the young wolfdogs in a very peculiar - at some point, childrendependence on parents clearly replaced by an adultdevotion to the leader of the pack, and this occurs even whenpuppy grows in isolation from their kind, and"Dog-parent" and "pack leader" are embodied in one person.

Explanation :

Ethology - the discipline field of zoology that studies animal behavior (initially - people). A term coined in 1859 by French zoologist I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. Closely related to zoology, evolutionary theory, physiology, genetics, comparative psychology, animal psychology, as well as an integral part of cognitive ethology.

The founder of ethology, the Nobel laureate Konrad Lorenz, called ethology "morphology of the animal's behavior."


One moment in the history of Caucasian Shepherd.

Petr Rumyantsev Transdanubia (01.15.1725 - 12.19.1796), Count, Field-Marshal.

He was born of the marriage orderly PETER I Alexander Ivanovich Rumyantsev and Countess Maria Andreyevna Matveeva. Peter I, a wedding Rumyantsev and his flighty and changes his mistress Matveeva, and after the marriage has provided her a great location. Many thought the new-born son of a king, and the godmother was Catherine I. In 15 years, Rumyantsev was sent to Berlin to acquire diplomatic skills, but the youth was distinguished by such "extravagance, idleness " that the Messenger of Brakel hastened to get rid of him.
Finally being able to enter military service, Rumyantsev, four years later became a colonel. The first great victory won Rumyantsev during the Seven Years War (1756-63 gg.), When in 1757 the cabinet decided the outcome of the battle of Gross-Egersdorf. Then followed the successes in the battle of Kunersdorf (1758), taking the fortress of Kolberg (1761). Frederick II, told his generals: "Beware, as far as possible, this dog - Rumyantsev, the other for us is not dangerous."
In 1764, Empress Catherine II appointed him governor-general of Little Russia, and more than 30 years he was an active assistant of Catherine II in the reforms, which aimed to eradicate Ukrainian separatism, this "hidden hatred against the local people of Gdańsk (Great Russian)." At the beginning of the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-74 gg. Rumyantsev, first commander of the 2nd Army, and soon because of dissatisfaction with the slowness of Prince Golitsyn, Catherine became commander of Russian troops. Victory in battle in 1770 at the Tomb of Opinions, Largo and Cahul, when he withstood the superior forces of the enemy, brought glory to Rumyantsev, Field Marshal's baton and ribbon St. George the 1st degree. After the conclusion in 1774 Kuchuk Kainarji Rumyantsev received the title of Transdanubian and diamond decorated Field Marshal's baton, the sword, the laurel wreath, olive branch and the diamond marks the Order of St. Andrew, in his honor medal was struck, and bestowed for the amusement of 5000 souls, 100 thousand rubles, silver service and paintings. In the following the Russian-Turkish war over the conflict with a new favorite Grigory Potemkin Rumyantsev only nominally led forces, and Catherine found "his stay in the Army damaging its business."
The commander survived his only empress in the month and died of a stroke. He was buried in the Church of the Great Lavra.

Rumyantsev has contributed not only to the history of human society, but also in the history of the breed Caucasian Shepherd.
During the Russian-Turkish war, the Turkish Army Lieutenant Nuri Khalil Caucasian Shepherd used to protect the Turkish army garrisons. The command of the Russian army drew attention to it.

Commander Rumyantsev issued a special order on the use of the Caucasian Sheepdog in the compounds of the Russian army for guard duty in all the fortresses of the theater of events. Dogs trained to bring even bullets. But from the Caucasian Shepherd dogs of war did not happen, because their main job-security.

Measurements of dogs

1 - length of head, 2 - length of the muzzle, 3 - chest, 4 - metacarpus; dimensional line 5 - the width of the chest 6 - height at the withers, and 7 - height of the rump, 8 - depth of the chest, 9 - Length of body

In the dog most often use the following codes to show the basic data about the animal physique.
Index of prolixity (format) - the ratio between the length and height of the dog: Length of body X 100/
height at the withers. The index size of 100, indicating that the height and length equal to the dog - the dog is square. Increase of more than 100 points to stretch, more long format.
The index of a bone - the relative development of the skeleton based on the ratio of the pastern with the height at the withers: metacarpus X 100/ height at the withers.
High on the index - the relative long-legged dogs, the ratio of leg length to total height at the withers: length of the front leg to the elbow X 100/
height at the withers.
The index of the chest - the relative development of breasts, the ratio of width and depth of chest width chest X 100/
depth chest.
Index of massiveness - the relative development of the trunk, the ratio of chest circumference to height at withers, chest X 100/
height at the withers.
Dolichocephalic index - relative - the length of the head, the ratio of head length to height at withers: length of head X 100/
height at the withers.
Index bullheaded - the relative width of the dog's head, forehead width X 100/
length  head.