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пятница, 7 октября 2011 г.

Breeding methods

Breeding methods

In dog breeding thoroughbred breeding is used. When breeding purebred dogs mating is often performed manually, which makes it possible to obtain offspring from these dogs, which due to their behavioral or physiological characteristics or have left to posterity at all, or would not have left him with this partner.
Thoroughbred breeding is unrelated (outbreeding), linear (line breeding) with inbreeding (inbreeding) and interlinear (krossbriding).
Outbreeding (outcross) - breeding dogs that do not have a common ancestor, which is used to obtain new features, the correction of certain external signs, dogs need this line.
The difficulty lies in the fact that no matching is impossible to determine which dominant and recessive traits are a dog.
Thoroughbred breeding on the basis of outbreeding leads to mixing like genes that make up the gene pool of the breed, and brings it to a steady state, characteristic of random mating. Heterozygosity is generally increasing, and the resulting combination of genes is almost unpredictable. There is a wide variation in the combination of individual traits. At the same breed may appear with a unique combination of individual workers and exterior qualities, but their appearance is random. These dogs may be the founders of the new lines, but not knowing their genotype makes the results of their hard-stud.

Linebreeding (linebreeding)
Linebreeding - breeding males and females, (belonging to the same family, ie, originating from a common ancestor. Linebreeding - the least risky way for novice breeders. But you can not knit and nolubratev nolusester if they have the same disabilities, or grandchildren with grandmother and grandparents, if the former more disadvantages than advantages.
The line is a group of dogs originating from one of the outstanding ancestor (male). Line and the family (when the founder female) exist in nature for long, because it weakens the influence of ancestors in each generation and they branch out into new lines and families.
Distinguish blood lines and factory. Blood line includes all dogs, originating from the same manufacturer, regardless of their type and quality. From the bloodlines produce so-called factory-line, which includes only those dogs that meet the basic type and direction of the line.
Since the breeding lines but suggests inbreeding in the founder, it is necessary to pay special attention to the choice of this common ancestor. Distinguish inbred lines maintained in at least four generations of incestuous inbreeding, and the line leading to a moderate (111-111, 111-1V) inbreeding.
The usual way of line breeding - breeding females exercise with a dog from the line of her father. Use with the factory lines results in the desired genotype of the breed and can to some extent, predict the outcome of mating.
Typically, animals are bred in line "in itself", and fixing the number of positive qualities, mated with other lines (krossbriding). In this male-producer put him in an unrelated female, preferably not from the inbred line (tone-crossing). Among the offspring from such matings are selected dogs that have retained inherent in the line type for its further reproduction. This combination often gives the dogs a high quality, but not necessarily transmitted to offspring. When the two cross-country inbredpyh lines can occur and the negative effects.
Regular alternation of crosses and breeding lines in accelerating the improvement of lines and the breed in general.
Inbreeding - close inbreeding. Our experience over the breeders can use inbreeding, carefully weighing all the "pros" and "against." Inbreeding reveals a genetic condition of the animals. With his help determine desirable and undesirable traits that carry the members of this family. Inbreeding is usually used to enhance some of the positive qualities of the dogs of this breeding line. Some breeders, for example, believe that bitch in front of the main stud to mate with her siblings to identify her dominant and recessive traits.
Provided that the parent stock is healthy and has no genetic defects, inbreeding can be used harmlessly for many generations. In the application of inbreeding is important that the breeder was willing to stop and culling of breeding animals, which have serious drawbacks.

Studies but the inheritance of traits in dogs, during recent decades have shown that a full, long exercised inbreeding leads to a deterioration in the offspring. At the same time pointed out that good, moderate inbreeding, during which secured the best features of the parents in the children, certainly gives a positive effect.
Inbreeding in a single ancestor is called simple, but on two or more - complicated or complex. To account for the degree of inbreeding is widely used method proposed Shaporuzhem. It consists in the fact that the ranks of their ancestors in the pedigree of a particular dog, from its parent, denoted by Roman numerals. Then write out a series in which a particular ancestor is found in the paternal line of the pedigree, and a dash number, in which he also appears in the parent of the pedigree. If the parent, for example, but my father's side meets a few times, then write down all the series, in which it occurs, separating them occupied. If a pedigree ancestor occurs more than once but only one side (paternal or maternal), it is considered that the dog received the pairing of unrelated animals, but one of his ancestors was inbridirovannym.
Based on this recording system, are following the degree of inbreeding;
Incest (close inbreeding): 1-11 (daughter + father), 11-1 (mother + son), 11.11 (sister + brother), 111-1 (Grandma + grandson), 1-111 (+ granddaughter grandfather) , a close relationship: 11-111, 111-11, 111-111, 11-1V; IV-11, 1-1V; IV-I. moderate relationship: III-IV; 1V-III; IV-IV; IV; VI.
The closest is considered incestuous pairing odnopometnyh animals. Moderate inbreeding contributes to the consolidation of the outstanding characteristics of their ancestors. Greatest degree of genetic similarity in seeking asymmetric inbreeding compared with symmetrical (eg, 1-111, 1-1V, 11-1V, or 1-V, 11-V vs. 11-11, 11-111 and 111-11, 111 -111, III-IV, 1V-III), as well as for use in the selection of one inbred partner.
Significant similarity with the child of an eye and contribute to numerous inbreeding, when the ancestor is found many times in the fourth and more distant ancestors of the ranks.
As a rule, prominent ancestors are often heterozygous for a number of genes. The more close inbreeding to apply, the faster the descendants of genes transferred in the homozygous state. Therefore, splitting a valuable genotype homozygous ancestor at some combination of dominant and recessive genes leads to more genetically homogeneous, but differing from each animal. For these reasons, frequent incest and inbreeding does not lead to the consolidation of symptoms, as many believe, and increase volatility - from getting in some cases outstanding individuals before the appearance of monsters. With close inbreeding increased variability associated with the depletion of heredity. Particularly affected by adverse effects on close inbreeding, if it is applied systematically, in a number of generations. It is therefore advisable to use it short-circuited in two or three generations, but after receiving the desired type to pass to unrelated pairings.