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среда, 28 сентября 2011 г.






Photo 31. CHITA, 9 years old.
Garbanskogo subtype
has a leading position in its herds. Dzhumber
smiled and said that red male spirit is stronger and stronger every
spirit, therefore, should give offspring he, rather than large and
characterless. That is, the shepherds do not interfere with natural selection. Selection aimed at survival and the concentration of the morale of dogs. When asked what qualities should embody the shepherd shepherd, he said. First, to boldly attacked the stranglehold of a bear, and even if the bear will strike shepherd, later it was not afraid. Second,
that Shepherd was not big and lazy, as very large specimens are poorly
re ¬ Stretches flocks, tired and poorly guarded the flock. When
asked how often arrive in a flock of wolves, Jumber explained that
wolves are essentially thieves, they never attack the flock is open, if
the dogs find them. They
are, in general, and no reason to risk his life for the sheep, wolves
successful hunters, and the view that the wolves are always hungry is
wrong. If the wolf is healthy, he will not dare to attack the flock, where there is a good dog. Only the sick predators are a desperate step, and usually find their death from the teeth of dogs. Bear
the same - a very strong animal feels its power and impunity, as the
shoot bears without a license can not be fine is a fabulous figure. Yes,
and bear attacks at night, often in rain, and if the wrong shot to
wound him, he will need to come to the attention of man. Shepherds do not dare to shoot the beast and repel bullets, equipped ¬ Yas, of course, more to the dogs. There were times when a flock soba ¬ ki afraid of the bear, and then over the summer beast was carrying more than 30-40 sheep. This damage was considered to be equal to what the shepherds worked to free summer season. We thanked Jumber, and until he changed his mind went back to pick up Chita. Its in Matsute, waiting kiddy. And we also now had only to wait.
Three weeks later we were taken to Chita in a nursery in the village of HMI. After another six months, she gave birth to four puppies, one male and three females. One female was born dead. A few days later we noticed a hundred ¬ that puppies do not grow all the time and peep. After we checked in Chita milk, it turned out that she had mastitis. I had to nurse pups artificially, but a bitch is still dead. Were two puppy dog ​​and a bitch. We grow them on artificial diet until months of age. Puppies grow well and have already played, but we were allowed an inexcusable mistake.
It was winter, it was cold, and we kept the puppy home. One day we left the pups alone, and thus badly closed door to another room ¬ natural numbers, where the stove was turned on. Puppies
seem to have come into the room, began to play with Compound-on tiles,
overturned it, there was a short circuit, turn on the power cord, which
is passing through ¬ dil beside the couch. Sofa was smoldering. When we return, were it was too late: puppy suffocated by the smoke. All our efforts were thwarted. Next pustovka began in Chita in eight months. We again had a kiddy with her. But the puppies were born dead. Apparently, at the age of Chita was already critical. We did not manage to get her offspring.
we learned from Jumber that dog breeders from Pyatigorsk (Stavropol
region) were acquired in Naur steppes, where the flock was in winter,
two adult sons Cheats named Bandit and lemon.

Photo 32. Banda, ow. Desyaterik
Then, Bandit was taken over by Ukraine in Dnepropetrovsk, ow. Desyaterik. Father of two dogs named Zarbazan. He also belonged to the shepherds Kazbegi.
To our delight, the use of tribal kiddy did not stop there. Soon
Taras Temirova was obtained from the kiddy litter and Alba (Fr. Komsha,
M. Koran), that females, in which he gave ¬ Gia Hulelidze.
Alba by the time the breed has grown into a bitch.
Major Shepherd, 68 cm at the withers, brindle, with a powerful, somewhat stretched to ¬ body. With a large breed of head, with good dental system. The essential disadvantage is sagging back, and several loose to ¬ and elongated fingers on the front legs.
We met often hollow back bitches. Undoubtedly, this disadvantage is the earliest sticky bitches. Not sufficient to form the skeleton could not bear the load associated with pregnancy and sag. Interestingly, this deficiency is not handed down to the puppies.

Photo 33. Banda

Photo 34. ALBA, ow. Temirov T.
From this litter in the future, Taras Temirova were grown dog named Tiger and a female named Tina. Another male littermates named Jack, he gave to his friend. In turn, Tina was bred with a dog named Chhuba, ow. Hulelidze G., son Dzhigrino and Callie. This pair was obtained by an outstanding dog named Lachin, ow. Ktsoev George.
concentrated in the blood of two outstanding Alba males and kiddy
Komshi was subsequently cast-in line Gergeti Repeater, ow. Hutseshvili Rezo. The combination of these lines gave two distinguished by conformation and working qualities males. This
is a dog named Caro (owner Karaev Vitali), the grandson and
great-grandson of Alba Repeater and kiddy-II (owner N. Eloshvili -
Samkanashvili T.), grandson and great-grandson Repeater Alba. But these dogs are already on a temporary type ¬ Kazbek dogs.

Photo 35. LACHIN
After a while, kiddy was mated with another female named Moore (owner Vladimir Slusar). Moore was presented in ¬ Lod Kazbegi shepherds at the age of 6 years. In the seven years it has been received from the kiddy litter - two males and four females. Two puppies, male and female, were purchased Plakhuta Vitali, and another female was purchased Zavyalym Boris, Dnepropetrovsk. Moore was a medium-sized female. 63-64 cm at the withers, but despite a small increase in ¬ Scheu, she embodied the best qualities of shepherd dogs. The
evil in its territory, which is guarded, and CCT ¬ kai, she immediately
responded to every rustle pretty low barking hoarsely. Moore moved the whole night on the peri ¬ meter of the object, never staying in one place. In terms of exterior design, this shepherd embodied femininity and strength of a lioness. Intermediate-type coat, light red color, with a pedigree head, bony, Moore belonged to Gergeti subtype.

Photo 36. KARO, 3goda, ow. Karaev, V.
with. Chermen, Sev. Ossetia

Photo 37. Kiddy - II. 4 years

Photo 38. MUR
Photo Mora was made Romanovtsom Vladimir in 1982 in the village of Kazbegi region Akhaltsikhe.
The couple gave no big, but very hard-working kids. Another litter of kiddy was obtained from blood Garbanskoy bitch named Kurukh (owner Samkanashvili Tamaz). Kurukh - the daughter of famous dog named from the village of Loma Akhaltsikhe Kazbegi region (owner Pitskhelauri Zviad). Loma ancestors were brought from Azerbaijan in the mid-50s of the twentieth century, along with a flock of sheep. There were three: two males and a female. They were all red color with brown noses and brown paste (from the words of the shepherds). As the bear is weak, but they were very angry people. Dogs are not big, but very workable. These individuals are well joined in Garbansky subtype. Loma was the great grandson of the Shepherds. Loma was 9 years old when we saw him. In 1982, the month of July for the first time we visited the village of Akhaltsikhe. We were amazed at the number of dogs in this small village. Almost all were the same type ¬ HN. Red,
fawn and white color, less frequent pyatnis ¬ tye (spots of the same
variations), found in most blue-eyed, with a brown nose.
The villagers greeted us with interest and learn that we are interested in sheepdogs, are vying to tell and show their dogs. Immediately began to praise, argue among themselves, pit dogs. In all the conversations sounded nickname Loma. After asking about Loma, we learned that he is the strongest male, but already old, and we asked to see it. One of the shepherds took a stick to catch the sheep and motioned us to follow him. Passing a few houses up the northern slope of the mountain, we climbed up to the big house. Shepherd Shepherd began to call by name. Soon, the yard seemed to Shepherd. At a distance of 15-20 meters, she stopped and began to bark at us. We tried to get closer, but Shepherd has warned that it is dangerous. Indeed ¬ Indeed, when we made some steps toward Loma, as he immediately made a short shot in our direction. We were, cease ¬, shepherd called to him, and he stopped, still possesses ¬ vat us. We began to consider it.
It was an old short-haired dog of 9 years, a large, approximately 72 cm at the withers, a light red color. Bony and crepe ¬ Kai Shepherd, despite their age. Particular
attention was paid to his head: a pedigree with a broad forehead,
strong cheekbones, short, not tapering to the nose snout. Muzzle rectangles ¬ alcoholic forms. The lips are thick, brown in color with the stroke of lips. The nose is of average size, and brown. Eyes straight-set, medium sized, amber color. Ears-on sazheny at eye level. Medium-sized auricle. Good ex-wife's neck. The neck is of medium length, powerful with a strong rootstock ¬ catfish. The mane on the neck is shown. Broad, strong top. Born dock-tailed. Chest expanded, with good muscle mass. Strong legs. Strong confident movement. Girth pyas ¬ TI approximately 14-14.5 cm wide in the rear legs. Wool is thick, sticking out, began to molt.
Shepherd also explained that Loma is a very good stamina in fights with rivals. Usually, villagers tie their dogs, if any or either of bitches ¬ empty. During courtship tournaments were often cases where the Loma stifled its competitors. For five years, all females in the village covered with it. Stably transmitted to their offspring breed head, amber eyes and a brown nose, as well as anger and aggressiveness in combat. Shchen ¬ ki born from it sometimes dock-tailed. Best of breed, he gave Garbanskih bitches. Loma gave such great dogs as Tatari (owner Chabaidze Plato) and Tott (owner Chabaidze Shaliko). As well as pedigree bitches Callie, Rita (the owner Chabaidze Plato), and Kurukh (owner Samkanashvili Tamaz).
Through the village of Loma Akhaltsikhe formed a subtype of the shepherd ¬ skih dogs. Shepherds appreciate the line of Loma. Perhaps this is one of the best lines in the Kazbegi region.
Age 7 years (owner Chabaidze Plato).
Garbanskogo subtype. Large, 74 cm at the withers, powerful male, the correct format, bony, metacarpus 14.5 cm, slightly stout. The head is large with a broad forehead. The forehead is almost flat. Medium-sized ears, ears set is low. Go Stop is smooth. Eyes nekrup ¬ nye dark amber color. Cheeks quite pronounced. Muzzle volume, short (10 cm), with thick, tight lips and brown stroke. The nose is of medium size, brown in color. The neck is short, set at an angle of 30-35 gras ¬ dusov, with well developed nape. Withers is strong, much stands out above the back. The back and loins strong, broad ¬ kai, large almost horizontal. The tail is sickle. Breast Shea ¬ rokaya, good depth, long blade with a good muskulatu ¬ swarm. Line to the groin smooth. Forelimbs straight pre ¬ shoulders, short upright pasterns are posed. Paws with ¬ brane, nearly round shape. Hind legs with wide hips. Slightly longish legs. Hock vertically rather short set. Intermediate type of hair, light brown color. Wool is thick, straight, sticking out. Dog in the moult.
Movement of the strong, springy. Angry, incredulous. To bear no fear. Good guard the flock. The bite did not see.

Photo 39. The Tatars, Mr. Ordzhonikidze, 1982. Photo
Vladimir Romanovtsa

Description made in 1987. Male, age 6 years (owner Chabaidze Shaliko). Garbanskogo podtipa.Krupny, 72 cm at the withers, spectacular. Deep inbreeding type. Squat. Slightly elongated format. Fine physically developed. The head of pedigree, correct proportions, for the down and out ¬ lines. Forehead is broad, almost flat. ¬ expressions you enough mezhlobnaya furrow. Ears set on low, trim ¬ HN only one-third, pinna average. Pe ¬ sition Stop smoothly. Muzzle short, powerful, does not exist ¬ alive by the nose. The nose is medium sized, light brown. The lips are thick, but not raw. Eyes medium-sized, straight-set, amber-colored. Slightly moist eyelids. The neck is short and powerful, with a noticeable dewlap, well developed withers. The mane is well expressed. Withers muscular, powerful, well defined. Loin muscular, slightly elongated. The croup is broad, almost horizontal. Sickle tail, is above the back line. The forelimbs are strong, with strong pasterns, muscular forearms. Metacarpus 15 cm Chest strong, deep, with strong muscular shoulders and the shoulders. Hind limbs with powerful thighs with long, short and strong shank shin. Coat is thick, with a fine undercoat. There is feathering on front legs. Pants on the hind legs. Fur sticking out, structurally unstable, intermediate-type hair, light fawn. Going strong, with good step springy. Angry and distrustful dog. Do not give teeth to see the owner. Beautiful fighter. Outvie physical strength and assertiveness.

Photo 40. Totti, 4 years
Powerfully attacked the bear with a snap. He was wounded bear in the age of two, long ill, but did not lose courage. Progeny yields himself to females, similar in type. Best's son - Totti - II. by his sister Rita's father, owner. Chabaidze. With such an outstanding son of inbreeding was born.
Garbanskogo subtype. Large, 72 cm at the withers, powerful, effective male. ¬ mediate intermediate-type coat. Bony, metacarpus see Rule 14.5 ¬ Nogo format. The head is large, broad at the forehead, with few to ¬ krupnovatymi auricles. Ears cropped "under the mis ¬ ku." Eyes straight-set, light amber color. Stroke century brown. Muzzle of a very large, almost no taper to the nose. Nose brown. Brown edging lip ¬ nevogo color. Thick lips, slightly damp. Pincer bite. The neck is of medium length, set at an angle of 35-40 degrees. Well marked mane. Withers pronounced. The back is slightly Myagkova ¬ one broad. The loin is strong. Croup slightly inclined, and a bit short. The tail is curled at the two-thirds of the ring, he was tonsured. Breast volume, well muscled shoulders and pinned. Forearm and muscular. The pasterns are nearly vertical, short. Paw in a good com ¬ kyo. Hind legs slightly raised close, but with hip ho ¬ roshey muscles. Wool is thick, protruding, red color. Movement unhurried, confident. Male angry, distrustful, coun ¬ ha to bear no. At the age of five was given Temiraevu Alik, master of sports of international class in freestyle wrestling.
Another grandson Loma, named in his honor, we first saw in the village Koseli. This is a small village houses 8-10, which is considered comfortable ¬ relied on a steep hillside. Can be up there ¬ but only on foot or by jeep. This was an outstanding Garbansky dog, the type of hair closer to the long-haired. He is to co ¬ nately, has not been photographed. Scrap the day was closed in a stable, in a cage of thick logs. When
the owners opened the barn, and we went there, then before our eyes
opened to such a map ¬: light fawn male with barking and growling eerie
put his face between the logs and bared his teeth magnificent teeth,
began to attack the breast barrier to reach us. How much anger and energy embodied his glowing eyes. They seemed to be burning through us through. The hosts were at a distance. Stunned by what he saw, we asked how they cope with it. Perhaps he is in ¬ ke cells from childhood. But our question surprised them. It turned out that the scrap produced in the street, where he was not touched, and in the flock, he works very well. Just bring it tomorrow to bitch at mating, and this led him from the flock. Then we went from the yard into the street and a few minutes later a woman brought him a rope. He did not even look at us, though we were ten meters. Male caressed by the hostess, jumping on her. She shout for scrap, but he did not pay attention to it. It can be seen, he was subordinate only the male half of humanity.
It was a large, 72-73 cm at the withers, dog off-white color, showy, prancing like a thoroughbred stallion. Small, bony, with no ma ¬ Leucheni hint of heaviness, and it is very good teloslozhe ¬ of. It seemed that he had just fingertips touching the ground. With a large head, decorated with beautiful lines. With a nearly flat forehead. With marked frontal hemispheres. Go Stop is smooth. The muzzle is short, strong, rectangular, almost no tapering to the nose. The nose is medium sized, light brown in color. Thick lips, a little damp, which imparts a flavor head. The mask is missing. Light amber eyes. Cheeks are well developed. Head and neck carried high. The neck is of medium length, with a pronounced nape. The hair on the neck is much longer forms a beautiful, protruding mane. Strong, prominent withers. Topline is irreproachable. The tail is curled in a tight steering wheel, slightly trimmed. The chest is deep, medium width. Forelimbs with short, steep pasterns. Feet-knit, strong fingers. Hind legs long and strong thighs, with almost straightened bent. Wareh hind legs wide. Coat rich. On the fringes limbs, trousers. Fur sticking out, undercoat dense. Motion fast and strong. Perfectly balanced. Evil, a good fighter. Wins their opponents speed and tireless. By Bear, according to the shepherds, can work alone. Unfortunately, little used in the tribe. At the age of five was shot dead the owner, because of his father's master pocus.

Photo 41. TOTT - II
Many times I offered to buy Loma, but to no avail.
A picture of his son in the age of three months is very much like his father. (V. Tinikashvili Gennady, 1988).

Photo 42. Gennady Tinikashvili with a puppy from LOMA

1975 of birth, color of light straw-yellow, (owner Sabauri Coco, village arsh).
Height at withers 74-75 cm in 1983 was taken in Kiev, Vladimir Romanovtsom.

Photo 43. Marukh.

1983 of birth, color of light straw-yellow, (owner Vardanyan RS).
Garbanskogo subtype. Above-average growth - 68 cm stocky. Rough-type constitution. Superbly developed physically, with the bulk muscle. Slightly elongated format. The head is large, massive, 62 cm in volume, the right lines and proportions for this subtype. Frons wide, flat, groove mezhlobnaya expressed. Ears set low, cropped, medium-sized auricle. Eyes large, brown, moist eyelids. Pronounced cheekbones. Go Stop slight, muzzle - 9.5 see a very large, rectangular, thick lips, raw. In profile, create a rectangular shape. The nose is light brown. The mask is missing, a dark edging around the lips. The teeth are large enough with a good enamel. The bite is not determined due to lack of upper and lower hooks. But, presumably, that was a direct bite. Premolars and molars in place. The neck is short, powerful, muscular, strongly expressed in suspension, low-set. Withers well defined and muscular. Spin in the free state myagkovataya slightly, slightly elongated, it is desirable to see more rounded edges. Croup short horizon ¬ tally placed. Tail in the excited state is above the back line, the end of the tail is twisted almost into a circle. Chest broad, very deep. Scapula with muscle bulk

Photo 44. Lasha. 1990
Forearms slightly curved, small mark up, almost vertical pasterns. Paws in the lump. The transition from chest to groin smooth. Hind limbs with muscular thighs and short lower leg and vertical shank. Hocks strong, but not massive. Color pale yellow. The coat is short, dense, soft with thick undercoat. Lightly shown mane. Movement Strong, powerful, precise. Angry, bold, but not pugnacious. Progeny provides a steadfastly anger passes to his children.
mother. Brawley
1977 of birth, color of light straw-yellow, (owner Geladze G.).
Large, 74 cm at the withers. Deep inbreeding type, effective tny, stately, compact, physically male. The head is large, almost flat with a broad forehead. The transition to power ¬ Noah short snout smooth. The muzzle is almost rectangular in shape tapering to the nose. The nose is brown, medium-sized. Edging lip brown. The upper lip is thick, covering the lower jaw-yuschaya. There are thick folds of skin in the region ¬ STI cheeks. The eyes are not big, brown, slightly moist eyelids. Age brown edging. Eyes set on almost straight. Ears cropped, set on low, with medium-sized ear cancers ¬ Noah. The neck is medium in length with pronounced nape and suspension. Withers strong. Topline strong. The croup is broad, a little bit short. Chest of sufficient width and depth. Forelimbs and the right structure set in place, the rear hips with long and short lower legs. Hock plummet ¬ nye. The tail is curled at one-third into the ring. The coat is short and thick, sticking out, not coarse. In the region ¬ TI neck has a small mane. Motion smooth, majestic trot on the springy, strong. Bold, anger ¬ ny. Bite - bite without waste. The teeth are large, there are no high per ¬ premolars in the mandible.

Fr. When (owner Geladze G.).
M. Kalia, (owner Geladze G.).
Born in 1983, turned bright red, (owner Vartanian PC)
Good type, large, 72 cm Strong, bony, compact, beautifully developed physically male. The head is large, right-angle shapes with broad, almost flat forehead. The transition from forehead to muzzle smooth

Photo 45. WHERE. 7 years

Photo 46. WHERE

Photo 47. Oleg Butaev with WHERE and OKRO
Muzzle short, length 10.5 cm, rectangular, three-dimensional. The nose is black, of medium size. SKU ¬ ly and cheeks are expressed, there are wrinkles in the cheeks. Eyes large, dark, heavy penetrating gaze. Eyelids slightly damp. Ears cropped, set not too high, a medium-sized auricle. The neck is short highly planted. Withers are well defined. Suspension noticeable. Topline is flawless. Croup slightly a bit short, but good width. The tail is docked. Chest broad and deep. Forelimbs
with strong arm-E, short pastern and steep-arched feet (14.0 cm
metacarpus) with long hind limbs hips, ankles and a short steep shank. Movement of the strong, springy. At the trot, only slightly put aside the right hind limb. Short-haired, pleasant to the touch with a thick, protruding hair. On the neck is longer hair sticking out, the generator is not a big mane. Bite the line. Teeth in the kit. Active angry.
Born in 1978, color gray-yellow, (owner Vardanyan RS).

Photo 48. Botha, 9y.o.
Smaller dog. Height 68 cm Powerful, stocky, too tall, physically strong and effective male. The head is large with a volume ¬ Noah powerful muzzle (10.5 cm), not tapering to the nose. With a thick skin folds in the cheeks. Eyes dark with a heavy look. Needless developed eyebrows, slightly moist eyelids. Ears cropped, set not too high, the auricle is not large. The neck is short with a noticeable and marked by the scruff ¬ weight. Withers broad and pronounced. The back is slightly soft. Croup strong and wide. The tail is curled at one-third into the ring. Chest broad and deep. Pribryushist slightly. The front legs are straight, the forearm a little short. Hocks short, steep (size 14 cm) legs and tight, well-placed posterior to the length of the femur, tibia short and solid shank. Movement unhurried, confident. At the trot, strong, springy. Intermediate type of wool. Fur sticking out, very thick in the neck, which forms a protruding mane. Majestic, moderately angry. Bite straight teeth in the kit.

Photo 49. BOTA
Father Komsha, (owner Eloshvili G.).
Born in 1988, black spotted, (owner A.libegoshvili A. - Ahpolov F.).
The species, spectacular. Height at withers 71 cm Strong, bony, stocky male. With a large breed head of correct proportions. Broad forehead is almost flat, the muzzle is short and powerful (see dlina11). Line of the muzzle is parallel to the forehead. The nose is black. Lips are thick and tight. Gums and lips by edging ¬ nye. Cheekbones and cheeks are expressed. Eyes of medium size, light brown. Eyelids with a dark stroke, tight. Ears cropped, with small auricles, posed slightly above eye level. The neck is short, with a strong and pronounced nape suspension. Withers prominent. Topline broad but loosely. Croup is correct. The tail is docked. The chest is deep, medium width and well muscled shoulders and pinned. A little straight scapulohumeral joint. A little marked up, but the legs tight. Metacarpus 15 cm Hindquarters muscular, set wide apart, with the correct angulation. Movement of the majestic, strong, on the trot with a good amplitude. Holds his head proudly. Wool is thick, structurally unstable, soft to the touch, the neck sticking out, forming a rather short mane. Spotted in color, spots on the sides and root of tail pale yellow. The two large pale spots on the head. Calm, even-tempered. Scissor bite, tight. Teeth large, complete.

Photo 50. Gabo. 2.5 years
father. KEDA-Jag
mother. Dzukna
1990 year of birth, color of light red, (owner Kolhebashvili AZ - Ahpolov F.).
Deep inbreeding type. Average height of 70 cm at the withers. Powerful, broad, stocky dog ​​with strong bones, lengthened to several formats. The
head of pedigree, is large, the correct proportions with a wide, almost
flat forehead with a noticeable groove in the middle. The transition from forehead to muzzle too smoothed out. The muzzle is short (10, 5 cm), three-dimensional, rectangular shape. The nose is black, of medium size. The lips are thick, but not raw. Cheeks and cheekbones quite pronounced. On his right cheek a small scar.

Photo 51. PROGRESS. 9 years
There is a fold of skin, starting from the outer corners of the eye and passing through the cheeks to the jaw. Fold characteristic of Garbanskogo type. Eyes medium-sized, straight-set, dark. Look heavy. Ears set on low, cropped, with a medium-sized auricle. Powerful neck right out, with a strong nape. Suspension noticeable. Withers strong. The back is broad but a little sagging in the quiescent state. The loin and croup well muscled, croup nearly horizontal ¬ tal, wide. The tail is docked. Chest broad, detailed, deep, with good bend of the ribs. The front legs are straight, with steep pasterns (circumference 14 cm). On the right foot big si ¬ roky scar that runs across the inside of the leg. Hind legs wide set, thigh volume, long and short leg. Hocks strong, but not rough, steep shank. Movement unhurried. Limp while moving, due to burn injury front right leg. Short-haired coat type. Wool is thick, with good undercoat. On the neck longer, forming a small mane. Balanced, increased ¬ renny, distrustful of strangers dog. Presumably a direct bite. Teeth large. Works well for the bear.
father. Stroke (owner Kolhebashvili AZ - Ahpolov F.).
mother. Serka
Born in 1992, fawn-gray (owner Karaev V.).
Species of medium height, 71 cm at the withers. With strong bones, broad and stocky dog ​​a few extended format. The head of pedigree, is large, the correct proportions with a wide, almost flat forehead. Go Stop not pronounced muzzle is short, three-dimensional, rectangular, black nose of medium size.
The lips are thick, but not raw. Cheeks and cheekbones pronounced. There is a skin fold, starting from the outer corners of the eye passes through the cheek to jaw. (The fold is characteristic of Garbanskogo type). The eyes are not big, dark, heavy look. Ears set on low, cropped, ears not large. Powerful neck scruff with a strong, noticeable dewlap. Withers strong, broad back, but a little sagging in the quiescent state, the loin and croup well muscled, tail docked.

Photo 52. APTAR, 9, sat. Chermen, North Ossetia
Chest broad, deep, with good bend of the ribs. The front legs are straight with steep pasterns (circumference 14 cm). Hind legs wide set, thigh volume long leg short, strong hocks, shank upright. Movement slow, majestic. Sure springy trot. Short-haired coat of the type of dog. Wool is thick, dense undercoat with a structurally unstable. Balanced, confident, and distrustful of constant ¬ sided, scissor bite, the teeth are very large, complete. Resistant to a bear, a beautiful fighter.
Lasha's father, (the owner Vardanyan RS).
Mother Daughter (Fr. Where, M. Brawley) (owner Vardanyan RS)
Born in 1991, color red, (owner Vardanyan RS).
Species of medium height, 68 cm at the withers. Bony, mus-lists, the correct size dog. The head is large, rectangular forms. Forehead is broad, almost flat, well-defined brow furrow ¬ Nye. Go Stop is smooth, short snout (length 10.5 cm) square in shape with thick lips. The nose is black, of medium size. Cheekbones and cheeks, developed in the cheeks is a skin fold.

Photo 53. Tahohov Andrew and Ginger, 8 years
Eyes of medium size, dark, almost directly planted. Slightly moist eyelids. Ears set on low, with medium-sized auricle, uncropped. The neck is short, with a strong and pronounced nape suspension. Topline strong. The croup is broad almost horizontal. The tail is docked. Chest broad and deep. The front legs are straight with almost plumb ¬ GOVERNMENTAL pastern (see obhvat14). Hindquarters well-placed to ¬ GOVERNMENTAL long thighs, shins and short steep plus ¬ us. Movement of the strong, springy. Short-haired type, with thick hair and lint-rich undercoat. Bold, well-balanced. Pincer bite. Teeth in the kit.

Dzhibir father, mother Kurukh (owner Samkanashvili T.).
Born in 1993, black-red light (brown nose, brown edging lips, eyes, amber)

Photo 54. SARAH, ow. Samkanashvili G. (7mes.)

The line speed, (owner Kolhebashvili AZ - Ahpolov F.).
1994 of birth, color of light-haired, (owner Burduli A.).
The species and large. 74 cm at the withers. Bony, strong type, correct size, physically well-developed male. The head of the pedigree, the right lines and proportions. With a broad, flat forehead, mezhlobnaya groove developed, with a smooth transition from forehead to muzzle. The muzzle is short of 10.5 cm, tapering to almost a black nose. The muzzle has a dark mask. Thick lips. Cheekbones and cheeks well developed. The eyes are dark, medium-sized, dark eye "glasses". Ears cropped, set on low, with little yw ¬ Noah sink. The neck is of medium length. Scruff expressed. There is a suspension. Withers pronounced. The topline is strong, too large to ¬ rotkovat. The tail is docked. Chest broad and deep, with good relief muscular. Forelimbs with a slightly curved forearms. Pasterns strong, feet in the lump. Ass ¬ tion limb under-delivered. Insufficiently strong hocks, but with a good balance of motion. Short-haired coat type. Coat not coarse, erect, with good undercoat on the neck longer, forming small Shui mane. Dark red color with a slight gray tint. Angry. With a good response. Scissors bite. Teeth large, complete.

Photo 55. Tight. 5 years, ow. Burduli A

Fr. Stroke
Born in 1995, color white, (owner Pliev L.).
Deep inbreeding type, powerful, stocky, slightly elongated ¬ ka size, bony male, 71-72 cm at the withers.

Photo 56. WHITE STROKE, 11mes, 1996

fishing ¬ is large, the right lines and proportions, wide forehead is
almost flat, transition from forehead to muzzle short enough.
Snout filled with thick surrounding the lips, nose environments ¬ a size, black. The
eyes are not large almond resolution ¬ age Thus, cheekbones pronounced
cheeks well developed, the ears are medium in magnitude, ¬ rank auricle.
Neck volume, short with a pronounced nape and a little suspension. Withers prominent broad. Topline wide, large long and wide, the tail is docked, set high. Chest broad, deep, good length, shoulders and shoulder blades with a muscled, straight front legs with short pasterns. Hind
legs set well apart, with long, voluminous thighs angulation desired
type of motion with a good strong amplitude and balance. Short-haired, white color. Well-behaved dog demonstrates a bold, spiteful, the desired type. Has a great pedigree.

Photo 57. WHITE STROKE, champion of North Ossetia, 2000

 SCRAP line, ow. Pitskhelauri
Zviad subsequently preserved and multiplied ¬ nil Samkanashvili Tamaz,
using a selection of grown daughter Loma them directly. This bitch named Kurukh who has lived for over ten years (it was already mentioned). She has given several generations of shepherds, including parents of kiddy ¬ la dog named Tati (in Georgian - foot). Unfortunately,
the picture in adulthood has not been done Tati here Pomeranchuk ¬
schaetsya Photo Tati in two months of age, along with a host of Taras
Temirova. Her other son, nicknamed Dzhibir (support) - son of a famous dog named Dzhigrino Tharsheti from the village, ow. Maisuradze Pat.

Photo 58. DZHIGRINO and Kurukh

Photo 59. Tachi and T. Temirov
Father Dzhigrino, (owner Pat Maisuradze) village Tharsheti
Mother Kurukh (owner Samkanashvili T.) Pansheti village, born in 1993, color red-speckled.
Line Loma (owner Pitskhelauri AZ).
The species, large 75-76 cm at the withers. Strongly-boned, compact ¬ ny. Slightly longer legs. Physically developed. The head is large, the correct proportions. With a broad forehead. Mezhlobnaya furrow pronounced. Go Stop is smooth. Muzzle powerful, rectangular (length 11 cm). The nose is large. Lips thick-grained, almost completely hiding the lower jaw. Cheekbones and cheeks well developed.

Photo 60. DZHIBIR, 3goda
Ears cropped with an average of the magnitude ¬ no auricle. The eyes are dark, medium size, but with sufficient ¬ tight fitting lids. The neck is of medium length with well-developed scruff and suspension. Topline strong. Slightly a bit short croup. The tail is docked. Chest of sufficient depth and width. Line to the groin smooth. The
front legs are straight with strong pasterns, cannon bone girth 14.5 cm
hind limbs with poor hips, ankles and a short steep shank. Wareh hind legs wide enough (this lack of hind limb passes Dzhigrino). Short-haired coat type. Wool is not rough, with thick undercoat. Movement springy enough power. Tempered, angry. Works well for the bear. Pincer bite. Teeth in the kit. In turn, gave Dzhibir such sons as Parekh, Baloo, White Dzhibir.
1996 of birth, color of sable-gray
Male, combining the best blood Garbanskih Gergeti and blood, (owner Samkanashvili Tamaz). Deep inbreeding type. Large, 73 cm at the withers, the full force bony dog. Fine physically developed. Compact and effective male.

Photo 61. Parekh
The head is large, the right lines and proportions with a wide, almost flat forehead. Go Stop is smooth. The nose is medium sized, black. The muzzle has a dark mask. Thick lips. Eyes small, dark, dark age of the stroke. Cheekbones and cheeks well developed. Ears set low, cropped, with a medium-sized auricle. Looking confident, steadfast. The neck is short, with a pronounced boot com ¬ and suspension. Withers broad and pronounced. Topline broad ¬ kai, strong. The croup is broad, but not a sufficient length. Tail hooks ¬ com. Chest broad, expanded. The shoulder blades and shoulders with a raised, well-muscled. Line to the groin smooth. Re ¬ dnie limbs pristine structure. Hind legs wide apart, with long, strong hip joints, and short shank. Movement is well balanced, springy trot, a good, smooth move. Short-haired type, with dense undercoat sticking. Bold, distrustful of strangers. Scissors bite. Teeth in the kit.
1997 of birth, fawn, (owner Gudushauri L.).
Deep inbreeding type. Large, 73-74 cm at the withers. Effective, powerful, bony dog. The head of a breed, large, rectangular, with broad, almost flat forehead. Go Stop is smooth. The muzzle is short rectangular, thick (length 10 cm). The nose is dark brown, medium-sized. Thick lips with a dark brown border. Cheekbones and cheeks well developed. Eyes medium-sized, light brown, dark stroke century. Ears cropped, set on low, with medium-sized auricle. The neck is powerful, short, low yield, with a strong and pronounced nape suspension. Withers pronounced.

Photo 62. Baloo
Strong topline, croup is wide, but a little bit short. The tail is docked. Chest broad, athletic, good depth. Forelimbs flawless. Hind legs wide apart, with strong cords, well muscled with long thighs. Movement slow, majestic, springy trot, with a good amplitude of the step. Short-haired type, with small protruding mane. The undercoat is very thick, protruding structures. Incredulous. Look heavy. Bite straight teeth in the kit.

Photo 63. Baloo

Tight father (owner Samkanashvili T.)
Brawley's mother, (the owner Dzutsev T.)
The line speed, (owner Kolhebashvili AZ)
Born in 1997, white color, (owner Ephoshvili AP)

Photo 64. Borzov, sat. HMI
Of medium height, 69 cm at the withers. Powerful, effective, strong-boned, physically male, the correct format. Major Nye striking his head. The right proportions. Frons wide, flat on ¬ Honor, with a strong mezhlobnoy groove. The transition to power ¬ Noah, a short snout (10 cm) is smooth. The muzzle is deep, rectangles ¬ alcoholic form. The nose is black .. Edging lips black. Thick lips, upper lip hides the lower jaw. Cheekbones and cheeks are expressed. There is a crease starting from the outer corners of eyes, passing down through the cheeks to the base of the mandible. The eyes are not large. Slightly moist eyelids. Edging century so ¬ Noah pigmentation. Ears set at eye level, cropped. Medium-sized auricle.

Photo 65. Borzov, sat. HMI

The neck is short and powerful, with a strong and pronounced nape suspension. Topline strong. Lengths ¬ ny, wide rump. Tail docked, set high. Chest broad and deep. The shoulder blades are long. Shoulders parallel to each other. Forearms are strong, with short, almost vertical in ¬ representations pastern. Metacarpus 14 cm Toes rather short, arched. Hindquarters well-placed, with long muscular thighs and short lower leg and strong shank. Movement honed, with a good step amplitude, with strong hindquarters. Effective, well-behaved dog shows. Short-haired type, with thick lint, hair thicket ¬ torus. The hair on the neck longer, forming no more ¬ mane. White color, a little yellow tint to the sher ¬ STI ears. Bite - bite without departing teeth in whom ¬ plekte. Balanced. Anger at the person manifests only in the dark.

Tight father, (owner Burduli A.).
1998 of birth, the reddish-brown color, (owner Pitskhelauri AZ).
The line speed, (owner Kolhebashvili AZ).

Photo 66. Jag
Species of medium height, 68 cm at the shoulder, squat, I ¬ chii, bony dog. The
head of the pedigree, the right lines, and pro ¬ portions, with a
broad, almost flat forehead and a smooth transition from forehead to
muzzle. The muzzle is short (dlina10 cm), well filled with medium-sized brown nose. Thick lips, with a brown border. Cheekbones and cheeks well developed. Eyes light brown-nevye, not big. Eyelids with a brown border. Ears buy-polished, with a small auricle. The neck is of medium length, powerful, with a strong and pronounced nape suspension. Withers serving. Topline broad and strong. Croup strong and wide. The tail is docked. Breast volume, athletic. The forelimbs are strong, good structure. Hind legs with broad, long, muscular thighs. Wide in-lennye. Tibia short, steep shank. Paws in the lump. Going strong, with good amplitude step. Short-haired type, with thick hair sticking out the reddish-brown color. Angry, agile. Bite straight teeth in the kit.
Born in 1997, spotted coat color
The line speed, (owner Kolhebashvili AZ).

Photo 67. RICHIK
Species of medium height, 69 cm at the withers. Powerful, Kostis ¬ th, stocky dog, too elongated. The head is large, the right lines and proportions. Wide nearly flat ¬ cue forehead. Mezhlobnaya furrow pronounced. Go Stop is smooth. Muzzle powerful, short (10 cm), almost no taper ¬ Xia to the nose. The nose is medium sized, black. Gu6y thick ¬ grained hide the lower jaw, with a dark border. Cheekbones and cheeks well developed. Eyes of medium size, almost straight-set, hazel color. Lower eyelids slightly damp. Ears buy-polished, set at eye level, medium-sized auricle. The neck is short, set low, powerful, with strong nape. Hanger expressed. Topline strong. Croup strong broad, long. The tail is docked. Withers and cereals at the same level in height. Athletic chest, below the elbow. The transition from chest to groin smooth. The front legs are straight, a little too short forearms. The pasterns are short almost vertically placed. Paws in the lump. Hind legs with wide hips long, with an athletic musculature. Short legs and upright shank. Wareh hind legs wide. Going strong with excellent balance, springy. Short-haired type, hair structurally unstable, with a thick undercoat, red spots on the body, head. Red, multiple specks on a white background on the body and limbs dog. A bold, vicious. Scissors bite. The teeth in the set, large.
Born in 1974, light-yellow color, (owner Vardanyan RS).
Deep inbreeding type, a large sheep dog, 69 cm at the withers. Powerful, fast-bone, correct format, a spectacular bitch. The head is large, beautiful lines and proportions. With a wide almost flat forehead, with the correct transition to the strong short-alcoholic face rectangles (10 cm). The nose is black in color, medium-sized. The lips are thick, almost hiding the lower jaw. Outlining the lips black ¬ Nye. On the face mask is not intense.

Photo 68. CHITA (right) and Popov I.
Eyes of medium size, dark, with black stroke century. Look attentive. Cheekbones and cheeks well developed. Ears cropped, short set, with medium-sized auricle. The neck is powerful, of medium length, the correct output, well developed and pronounced nape suspension. Withers strong top line in the static myagkovataya, croup correct, broad. The tail is sickle. The chest is deep, detailed, with right angles scapulohumeral joints. Has strong muscles. Drawback - small pribryushistost. The front legs are straight, strong, arched feet (metacarpus 13 cm). Hind legs wide apart, with broad, long thighs. Tibia short, strong hocks. Movement slow, majestic. When trotting, springy, with a full range of motion. Good removal of the forelegs. Fur sticking out, nigger ¬ bai, with thick undercoat. Calm, stately female. Bite - bite without waste. Absent ¬ UT first premolars in the mandible.
Description is made when the dog was nine years old.

Born in 1985, black light-haired, (owner Tikhomirov)
Line Loma, (owner Pitskhelauri AZ).


Of medium height, 64 cm at the withers. Stocky, strong-boned, muscular. Good type. The head is large desirable lines and proportions. Broad forehead, with a smooth transition to a short rectangular face (10 cm). The nose is medium sized, black. The lips are thick, dense, almost hiding the lower jaw. Cheekbones and cheeks are sufficiently developed. Eyes of medium size, dark expressive, c dark stroke around the eyes. Ears cropped. Auricle small scale, above the eye line. The neck is short and powerful, with a pronounced dewlap. Topline is broad, but not strong. Croup unpretentious. The tail is curled in a tight steering wheel, is on the rump. The chest is deep and wide. The shoulder blades and shoulders well muscled. Line to the groin smooth. Forelimbs flawlessly. Hind limbs, with long thighs and lower legs of medium length and vertically set shank. Movement slow, springy trot on. Short-haired type, with a thick dense coat. Wary, brave. Bite the line. Teeth in the kit.

Born in 1991, color red, (owner Vardanyan RS).

 Good type. Smaller female, 65 cm at the withers. Powerful, prizemis-tai, bony. Well-developed physically Shepherd desired format. Pedigree head, almost flat with a broad forehead. Plav ¬ sition to the short (9.5 cm) rectangular face. Lips thick ¬ grained, tight. The nose is medium-sized black-and ¬ of color.
Cheeks are developed. Cheeks quite noticeable. ¬ nye the eyes of those with a keen eye. Eyelids slightly damp. ¬ ku ears feast, set low, with medium-sized auricle. The neck is short with a noticeable scruff and suspension. Topline crepe ¬ kai, broad, with strong broad croup. The tail is docked. Pe ¬ anterior limb flawless.
Hind legs wide apart, with long, broad muscular thighs. Gol ¬ nor short. Hocks strong. Hocks short, steep. Movement flawless. Levers operate at full amplitude. Short-haired type, with thick lint sticking sher ¬ Stu. Color red, with a more clarified the bottom part of the body ¬ schA. A bold, well-behaved showing sheepdog. Bite nozhnitseobraz ¬ ny. There are no premolars in the mandible.

Photo 70. OKRO
Where father, (the owner Vardanyan RS).
Mother Moore (owner Samkanashvili T.)
When line, (owner Geladze G.).
1993 of birth, color of light straw-yellow, (owner Samkanashvili T.).
Pedigree, a good type of bitch. Height at withers 67 cm tightly-boned, muscular, somewhat elongated format, effective and gravitational tsioznaya bitch. The head of the pedigree, the right lines and proportions, rectangular shapes. Forehead is broad, almost flat. Lightly re-developed occipital crest. Go to the snout is smooth. Muzzle short-kai (10 cm), with thick lips surrounding. The nose is brown-nevaya. Hazel eyes. Ears cropped not short. Pinna at eye level. The neck is of medium length, with a good boot com ¬ and a pronounced dewlap. Topline strong and broad. The tail is twisted by two-thirds into the ring. Chest broad and deep. Line to the groin smooth. The
forelimbs are strong, metacarpus 13.5 cm hind limbs with insufficient
length of the femur, slightly elongated lower legs, strong shank. Movement of sufficient strength ¬ Noah, springy. The coat is short, thick, protruding from the undercoat. A bold, moderately virulent. Works well for the bear. Scissors bite, the teeth in the kit.

Photo 71. Brawley

Where father, (the owner Vardanyan RS).
Mother Moore (owner Samkanashvili T.). Born in 1993, fawn, (owner Samkanashvili T.).

Pedigree. Impressive. Desired type. Height at withers 66 cm Bone tightly-bitch, well muscled. Correct format. The head of the pedigree, the right lines and proportions, with broad, almost flat forehead. With a smooth transition to a short, three-dimensional rectangular face. Nose black, small scale. Edging lips dark. The eyes are dark brown, medium-sized with a dark stroke century. Ears cropped, with a medium-sized auricle, placed at eye level. Cheekbones and cheeks are expressed. The neck is of medium length, the correct output, with a good scruff and a pronounced dewlap. Topline strong broad. Croup nearly horizontal wide. The tail is twisted by two-thirds into the ring. Chest broad, deep, well muscled shoulders and shoulder blades, good length, with melting ¬ nym transition to the groin. The
forelimbs are strong, metacarpus 13 cm wide hocked hindquarters, with
wide hips with long, short lower legs, strong vertical shank. Movement of the strong, majestic. Lynx with a good amplitude, springy. Short-haired types with thick protruding under ¬ fur. Coat not coarse. A bold, vicious. Works well for the bear. Bite straight teeth in the kit.

of these dogs, we listed probably will not be able to UWI-do, were it
not for people who have dedicated their lives to favorite activity:
sheep breeding and cultivation of blood shepherd dogs. Subconsciously
aware of the inner nature of these animals, and because of that
feeling, skilfully, selecting a pair, considering all the pros and cons
in the character of shepherds, coming hard for some uncharacteristic
manifestations for this breed, they grow only users who want to work
dogs. None of the shepherd is not good to feed a dog that is lazy to work or has a weak character. None of them has staked beauty of the breed only dogs. In the first place - the spiritual power and efficiency. Everything else is secondary. Constantly working next to a shepherd, shepherd takes one of the most difficult duties: protecting the flock. During the study population Kazbek dogs, we have heard amazing stories, which seemed to us like legends. But then, when we had a free ¬ eat dog kennel otarnyh, it appeared that really work and mental capacity of these amazing dogs.
For example, in 1986 I became a witness Temirov Taras ¬ E surprising event. It happened at the beginning of the autumn rut flocks. One
morning Taras came with Gia Hulelidze, the son of a hereditary sheep
farmers, and reported on a trip to the gorge Darial to exchange three
sheep on the three shepherd dogs. I immediately expressed a desire to go with them. Along the way, I learned that Guy changes his sheep on the bitch and her two young siblings. One
of the shepherds the flock was taking Leningor area, and as in
Dagestan, a dog he had been for nothing, he agreed to swap their dogs to
the sheep. After half an hour drive through the gorge, on the road near the village of Nizhny Lars, we found the right herd. The exchange took place very quickly. The shepherd looked at the sheep and an experienced eye, calling Shepherd, put her in the trunk of our car. Along with it, he planted one eight puppies. In the second cabin was put littermates. Then we returned to the city, drove to the house, and Gia Shepherd brought into the house. Bitch Gia securely tethered in the garden, which on the one hand there was no fence: the neighbors have built a new house. When we looked at this female, it became clear that Guy has done a fair exchange. It was a pedigree bitch. She lay where she was tied, showing the outward calm. But as it turned out, this calm was deceptive. Then we parted. The
next morning came to me and said Taras that night, the female
disappeared, along with a leash, and Gia suspects in the disappearance
of us. Of course, familiarity with Gia happened recently, and his suspicion was understandable. The situation was unpleasant, and it had to be somehow solved.
We went to Gia, he greeted us with a profound apology and asking for help. It
turned out that when we wound up in the dog house on the opposite side
of the street for our actions watched a young man, who was also
attracted to this breed. In the evening he and his friends went through a bit of alcohol and, recalling the shepherd decided to look at the dog. But he did it in strange ways. He
entered the area to the adjacent construction site via Gia, and saw the
dog lying quietly tied to the fence and decided that such a good dog
decorate his home. Untie
the bitch, he led her through all the same ill-fated construction site
and decided to put her time with relatives who live nearby. Relatives of the same, knowing who owns the dog, tried to persuade her to return. But the thief decided to make their own way. He just picked up and released the dog, hoping to return to her home independently. But the dog did not know a new home or new owner.
The next day at noon he went to see Gia, she returned the dog, and apologized for his action. Gia even where such a happy outcome. It is safe to assert that there is a female in the flock from which we took it. We looked at each other with Taras and once again asked again, he believes himself to whether Guy is talking about. Otarnaya dog could not navigate the city and find the way to the flock. During the time that she sat on a leash, her flock went to a few tens of kilometers from the place where we took it. Moreover, after her flock, passed along this route for at least ten flocks. Traces trampled. But Ghia insisted, arguing that a good shepherd must find the way to the flock. If not today, then after a couple of days. It was just awkward to refuse him in search of a dog. The route was known, but it seemed to us that he gives the dog some sort of mystical powers. We
have started looking for a dog in the city, close to the garbage cans
or in neighboring houses, as it could catch in the morning. Female was seen, and everyone would like to have in an animal. But Ghia still insisted on finding a flock. We
left at noon, and by the evening of Tarski gorge on the border with
Ingushetia, on the left bank of the river Kambileevka, where the flock
stopped for the night, caught up with her. It was getting dark, and herders have settled for the rest. Towards the car, barking ran three shepherds. Imagine our surprise when we heard one of them, Palace, was the name of that bitch that lost Gia. We asked the shepherds, and know that at night the day when it was exchanged for the sheep, she went back to the flock. Palace took several hours to find her. It only remained to admire this amazing dog. No hunger, no attachment to their offspring did not stop her. The desire to work in the flock outweighed everything else in her mind. How quickly she found her flock, will remain a secret, known only by a Palace.
The more we talked with shepherd shepherd, the more amazed by the inner potential of these animals. There were dogs, who amazed us by his actions and caused deep-bokoe respect. These dogs can be attributed bitch named Callie. In 1987, the dog was given to me Slyusarev friend Vladimir. Volodya lived in the area of ​​the city, inhabited by shepherds Kazbegi. With many of them it was a good sign. He was offered a bitch that age is no longer walking with a flock, and was the home of a friend of the shepherd. It was agreed that if a dog like me, then he'll take it for me. Do not postpone it indefinitely, we went to the shepherd. Female was tethered near the barn. It was big, very bony, with a strong constitution bitch. In appearance she was six years old - seven, but as it turned out, she was much older. She was 10 years old. We asked the shepherd to show its teeth. Of
the canines were only stumps, and incisors were worn under the base,
half of them absent altogether, apparently because of numerous injuries.
We began to ask where the dog, which she bloodlines. Suk turned out to be blood Gergeti Shepherd, was the leader of the flock, which is rare. Moreover, it was a little concussion in one ear, as in his youth hit her with his paw on the head with a bear. Indeed, when Callie was listening, she bent down and sideways its large head. I spotted her in her kennel, located in the wholesale-trade basis, which is guarded by my dog. In the evening we released it in the open guard. The character Callie was very hard. She
could not stand bitches, undertaking violent fights, and among males
get along with hard those who tried to be too familiar with it. Security service she carried on conscience. All night I could hear she was doing round in the base and never stayed in one place. Even in rainy weather, Callie did not shed a long time.
In May 1987 we were offered the protection of orchards. In the village of Troitskaya (Ingushetia), it was necessary to protect gardens flatter ¬ Dew more than two hundred hectares. In the gardens we took their shepherds, including through ¬ le and Callie. Our mobile house stood in the cherry orchard. Apples did not yet ripe, as in the main class in the autumn ¬ mi. But
over a mile from our house near the highway, which came up one side of
the garden was already collecting "white filling" old varieties of
apples ripening. One
day the villagers had not time to completely take away the whole day
gathering, and at the edge of the garden there are more than 100 boxes
of apples. At night, it was necessary to put the protection there. It became dark, and one of the guards, named Sergei, was willing to podezhurit night near the mailboxes. When nearly dark, he took the shepherd, nicknamed the Turk, and left. With him gone, and Callie.

Photo 73. Kalle
We let her go, as the thought that it would be easier with two dogs. Night falls. Cherry garden was small, and our dogs were tied around the perimeter of the garden. We were well hear their voices, and we decided to relax a bit. Became nakrapy-vat light rain. And then the night came the voice of Callie. She will return back-las. I thought, yes, a dog gets old, decided to keep himself. Usually hollow for a while, she climbed under our house otdoh-nut, then made round, and again rested. But that night, she never crawled under the house. During the night I heard her barking four or five times. By tone of voice it was clear that it simply bypasses the ter ¬ rhetoricians. At six o'clock we gathered for breakfast and washed. At that time Sergei came and went with him Kalli. I joked that Cally had met him the first to apologize for that one night, threw ¬ Nogo. Sergei did not answer, went to the table, took a great lo ¬ mot white bread and fed his dog. She loved white bread, even preferring it to meat. Sergei sat down, smoked a cigarette, and we asked him to explain what happened. He told me that last night, when he came to yaschi ¬ stone tied with apples and Turku, he was, sitting nearby, was on duty. Callie at first was near him. Then start barking to bypass the area around the boxes. After a while she stopped. He began to call her, but she did not appear. Sergei
hearth ¬ small that it started to rain, and she decided to go to the
"base", but in less than an hour, she again appeared, and then, minutes
later, 20-30 disappeared again. When she came back an hour later, he realized that the dog is guarding the two objects. This went on all night. Topics Vreme ¬ it until Sergei said, this hardworking bitch already sleeping peacefully under the house. It completed its work and could now relax. Callie has lived for 13 years, and until her last days she worked. Unfortunately, posterity has not let it. I always remember her as one of the great Shepherd.
Surprisingly, these working abilities are inherited, the shepherds are not taught shepherds how to protect the flock. If Shepherd - blood, then it her ancestors founded some genetic program behavior.
In good blood Shepherds dominate the two most powerful instinct: the instinct of procreation and protective instinct. As for the instinct of procreation, we witnessed a unique event. In
1986, when once again showed me Tamaz dogs Kazbegi region, we visited
the village to the chairman of the kolkhoz Garbani Vazhe Geladze. At the time he was the owner of one of the best sheepdogs Garbanskogo subtype dog named Beaver. Despite the fact that it was late autumn, the Beavers was at home rather than at the winter encampments. We began to ask him if Bobrov otarnuyu work? The President smiled and said that the dog has recently come from distant lands. Two months ago, a relative of the chairman asked him to give him a dog for the winter season in the flock. At
the same time in the courtyard of the chairman was still a shepherd, a
bitch that has just begun pustovka and Bobrov was busy with her. Vaja
but given his consent, and the dog was taken by car to Kochubey the
winter parking lot, but it's more than 400 km from the village Garbani. At
the winter parking lot it was put on a leash, but this morning there
was no shepherd, he got out of the collar and disappeared. ¬ ki Pois no results. A month later, when the shepherd went to Garbani, he went to the chairman to apologize for the loss of a valuable dog. His astonishment knew no bounds: Shepherd was at home! Slightly more than two weeks took male dog, to overcome this distance. Beavers
held a year ago with a flock this way, and do not forget the way
through the three republics, Chechnya, Ingushetia and Ossetia. But life is unpredictable otarnyh dogs. Two years later, during one of the driving of flocks, near the village of Voznesenovskaya (Chechnya) Bobrov was lost shepherds.
Such cases are not uncommon. After all, with the stretch flock's attention fully occupied shepherds looking after sheep. On the way there are often flocks of pit-traps. It is dug in the ground deeper, more than 1.5 meters deep, covered with branches and turf. When the flock moves closely, the sheep do not have room to maneuver, and fall into the pit. Shepherd does not see this as a large flock. Just stumbled on a hole, you can see it. Such traps are mainly found in the territory of Ingushetia and Chechnya. Often the shepherd notices that the shepherd left behind and is in one place. This means that the hole caught the sheep. But Shepherd is not always remarkable ¬ UT these traps. Tired and worn road, they want to stay in the shade or soak in any puddle. In a way they almost do not feed, or the dog always lag behind the flock, and only at night give her a little food.
remember that as a child, in his homeland (Azerbaijan, Khanlar
district, village Azat), I watched in the evening, while resting, the
shepherds fed their dogs. The boys climbed the trees that were in front of where the flock stopped. In the land of struggled a little hole, rammed his foot, and there was filled with steamed flour batter or feed. The dogs ate it avidly soup that she had no time to seep into the ground. But I watched it in Azerbaijan.
Kazbegi as shepherds during driving of the evening fed Shepherd bread. At the same winter feeding sites of the process is somewhat different. This is a whole life with its laws and regulations. In a flock of shepherds shepherd all of the debugged as a good mechanism. Laws in force in the pack there are predators. The leader of the pack as the conductor of his orchestra. Procreation,
protection of the flock, housing, education of young and keeping order
among the brethren, - everything is kept on it. Rigorous and, at the same time, life is beautiful shepherd of a flock. Laws of nature are paramount. Shepherd live at ease in parking, but some are tied near sheepyards, in places where bad viewing area. The Free the dogs are at home or accompany the shepherds a flock of sheep during grazing. Only pups are restless: it cleans the fight because of some bones, then carelessly run after each other. They, like all children, always happy. Much more complicated are the relations adult dogs. Each of them a certain hierarchical niche. In the evening of the dogs begins the general excitement: in front of the distribution of food. All dogs are pulled to the place of feeding, and shepherd putting food into the feeder and leaves. The leader of the first approach to the trough. As a rule, in the first minutes he can be very aggressive to their relatives. They feel it and do not fit the cor ¬ fly, while the leader does not quench the first bouts of hunger. A few minutes later suitable bitches. Then - puppies and adolescents. These he refers favorably. Sated, the leader away from the bowl and lay down near her. Now, with the background begin to catch up with adult males. They approach slowly, constantly watching the leader. If the leader starts to grumble, they stop at the point where he allowed them to approach. It takes more time, and they, as if by accident, make another attempt to approach. And so a few times, until the leader, enjoying his power and not allow them to eat. One of them would disrupt the system, and he immediately has to deal with the leader. Leader in these times is no mercy .. Of
course, not everything is always enough food, and then periodically
coming to Shepherd trays with feed for sheep and start licking it in
small portions.
Most dogs are fed steamed mixed fodder or much ¬ Noah mash, meat, they are rarely, mostly when the fall some sheep. Then the carcass is removed from the fallen skin necessarily the ears of sheep (and your ears are tags). Skin pass for reporting, and give the meat sheepdogs. First
of all, the dogs tear at the carcass sheep peritoneum, eat the insides,
then the muscle tissue and the "sugar" bones, and as a last resort -
tubular bones. Shepherds should loyal to the sheep. If for some reason there was an attack on Shepherd of sheep, then this individual is immediately destroyed.
It is doubtful that such feeding is able to restore lost energy dogs. With high probability we can assume that the school itself makes up the protein deficiency. Anyone who has any close otarnyh studied the lives of dogs, they note the presence of persistent hunting instinct. There are cases where they herded the hares.
Life Caucasian Shepherd otarnyh hidden from prying eyes. This, to some extent, the free semi-wild dogs. Perhaps this explains a life trait as independent. In 1984, when the stretch flock of sheep near the village of HMI herds behind a pregnant female. Her time to whelp. It whelp in a mountain cave. The litter was twelve (!) Puppies. Female
self-feeding all the puppies under two months of age, so far to find
the lair villagers did not catch puppy in the yards. In fairness, it should be noted that the condition of the puppies was not the best. Their tortured parasites, but they have not been exhausted.
Find a place so members of the pack are the same ¬ distributed. The
leader selects the location sunny, close to housing, twigs, usually
next to him, but adult males

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