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среда, 28 сентября 2011 г.



have to take a secondary maturation. This procedure is particularly felt in the winter. Haystacks or haylofts - favorite place for rest and overnight dogs. However, the rest night night Shepherds difficult to call. They combine recreation with protection of the territory. When submitting an alarm, rest stops. An interesting fact: the alarm is usually knots fed or teens. Adult males almost never. Depending on the nature and intensity of bark, which is differentiated, we can determine the degree of risk.
Here, we classify a barking dog guards. Different:
1) barking at the beast, which in turn is divided into barking excitedly-excitable (mining), and excited alarm (Bear);
barking at the man, anxious, without passion, aggression, which may be
different, depending on the number of people and the availability of the
rider. A man riding a horse and chaise, drawn by horses, always cause a maximum response;
smooth, periodic barking when the dog, how would determine the status
of the territory, "talking" with a distant, strange dogs;
barking "prophylactic" is smooth, with a little aggression,
specifically anyone not directed that the dog makes it clear to all
concerned that the area is protected, and those who did not realize it
could be in big trouble. Produced, usually a circuit area.
The intensity of the bark is different depending on the proximity of the cause of the reaction, and the nature of the dog.

 Experienced dog understands the language and do not needlessly expend their energy. The leader is in such moments, takes the initiative in the last turn. But the critical point in B ¬ fluctuations must deliver it.
In winter, on distant pastures rather harsh climate. Blowing cold wind, and only in good weather, they calm down a bit. Sheep in fair weather driven out to graze.

Photo 74. Fold
When the weather is inclement, the sheep are in the fold (enclosure), mostly in older, built in the 50s and earlier. Evolved from such shed dung - compacted, old sheep droppings. Dung put the plates to a height of just over a meter. These were the walls of the plant, and the roof was laying cane. At such a low place where there are sheep, always keeps zero temperature, even if frost on the street much. This enclosure has a length of 20 to 50 meters. Since
there is wood harvested nowhere - stretched around the steppe, also
stoked the furnace Kizyakov in areas where shepherds live. Lit it about as well as peat - slowly and holds heat well. Premises, where they overwinter, shepherds, small, without any conditions.
Previously, the shepherds were living in mud huts that have survived to this day. In the room there were several beds, a mattress on the bed you and hiding the shepherds cloak. Often slept fully clothed. No electricity was used kerosene lamps. In addition, a furnace, such as "Russian stove", but much smaller. Bathed shepherds rarely, not even a bath. In each "room" was a drilled well, because it was artesian water, and not very good quality. That's the one ¬ FIR conditions on winter parking and shepherds lived. But this is not to say that these people were unhappy. They
kept all the GDSs ¬ friendly, were hospitable, found in his work a
certain charm, zest, which was understandable only to them. When they were able to go home to relax and give himself up, then after a few days later they pulled back to their winter stay. After the shepherd out of work, "wasting away".
stories of old shepherds Kazbegi region, we learned that in the past in
the mountains there are small parking lot of sheep. They were called "Weber". They lived in the shepherds in the summer with his family. All
the buildings were laid with stones, and laying the roof poles ¬ E,
close fitting to each other, then on top of poles palas saturated soil. Land ukatyvalas special, round stone, which was pierced hole. In the threaded hole of the stick, and it at-sposoblenie worked as a skating rink. This coating does not absorb moisture and is securely sheltered from the weather people. Around the made-for gony of stones to hold the sheep and goats. Were frequent cases of children born shepherds in the mountains directly. Breeders were fed natural food, milk and milk products, meat, used very rarely. At
the end of the day, when the sheep raised on the night, primarily
feeding the dogs, and only then sit down dinner for yourself. Pups reared by goats can Loka with cornmeal. Once organized collective farms, private sheep fell into decay, and the need for such sites has disappeared by itself. Culture of sheep has also changed and, unfortunately, not for the better.
The most difficult time for shepherds, it's beginning in January and February lambing. Day and night, awake, they are next to the sheep. When
the sheep are lambing, lamb born, can not stand on their own legs and
shepherd should wipe the lamb, and help them get that he sucked the
uterus. Otherwise, the lamb will die. Okoth lasts about a month. All sheep with young lambs to feed and water. It's hard work, but the shepherds of this work are a great joy. When the lambs are a little get stronger, females begin to kick in grazing, weather permitting. In the evening a flock with females returning to the plant. This process can not describe in words, when it must be present. Uterus
and lambs bleat, the uterus run to lambs, and lambs to the uterus, the
two "avalanche" merge into one and within minutes everything calms down.
Surprising thing is that none of the uterus does not confuse her with a strange lamb. Shepherds say that she finds him first by smell, then when the lamb gets older - the voice. Strikingly, in that noise uterus differentiates the voice of her lamb.
But let us return to our sheepdogs. In winter, in the same enclosure schenilis and females. Bitch
stood corner, and she calmly schenilas in the presence of sheep, which
is absolutely not embarrassed by the sheep did not come close to this
place. In
contrast to the sheep, the shepherd has never watched the whelping
females, on the contrary, he tries a few days do not approach it,
because in the early days it was particularly jealous of their offspring
and will attack the shepherd. Instinct to protect offspring from shepherd shepherds are very high.
A few days later, when the little puppies get stronger, clippers puppies ears cropped. Rarely cropped tails, usually males. The dewclaws are not cut off altogether.
Generic shepherds and pay attention to the appearance of dogs. Especially prized sheep dog with curled in a tight steering wheel tails. Individuals with these tails have a stronger nervous system ¬ subject. These
dogs are well tolerated in long-term transitions, they are more sturdy
constitution (no tendency to dampness), less susceptible to disease,
unpretentious food, gambling, and they look spectacular. If the shepherd doubt that the puppy will not be twisted ¬ Nogo tail, it breaks the tail in several places. Shepherds believe that this whole "art." Not knowing how to do it, you can mess up the tail. But if done correctly, the tail takes the form of "bagel". Many shepherds cut their tails to his dogs, and believe that because Shepherd is prettier. The first time we could not get used to this "barbarism", we looked shabby tail. But
over time we began to notice a certain exoticism cropped tail, as well
as the fact that the bobbed tail conceals not the case. The tail is cut evenly, just the tip of the tail is left is not great ¬ brush, like a lion. In the long-haired animals are sheared and pants that were not formed mats. Also prized dog to a hair sticking out, they have a very thick undercoat. With
such a rapidly crumbling mud coat, not getting to the skin and, most
importantly, its structure remains always a certain microclimate. If
you look closely, you'll notice that the hair grows like a tight
series, is especially well seen on the sides of the Shepherds. With such a structure almost does not drop hair, which is important when con ¬ Jania dogs in flocks. Guard hairs almost the same length as the undercoat. In places where there is a tow (mane, tail, pants, of course ¬ sion), guard hairs are much longer. On the head, front limbs cha ¬ styah hair very short. In individuals of the intermediate type of wool is very often on their paws between the toes grow longer hair. In short-haired dogs, this is not observed.
are born with shepherd shepherd and medium-sized to months of age do
not develop as rapidly as in cultivated species of the same size. Apparently this is due to the natural habitat, the bitch must rely only on itself. Puppies up to one month of age will not be fed. Presumably, that puppy shepherd dog is genetically incorporated slow growth to a half-two months of age. We
tried to feed the native pups in the suckling period, but the result is
insignificant: puppies pound heavier than the maximum, and almost the
same size. The average weight of the native dog in months of age is about 3.0-3.5 kg

Photo 75. Tail
After switching to natural puppy food, they begin to boom. Upon reaching the age of six weeks the puppies, the bitch starts to regurgitate while feeding them food. This occurs in the first minute, when kids are actively attacking the milk jelly-zy. Mother at a time or sitting, or in a standing position. Otrygnuv food, it moves away. All that is brought up wind bitch, is eaten by puppies. To facilitate the feeding female pups, the shepherds left in the litter of two to five pups. More
often leave males and females killed, so as to keep more than two or
three females in the flock is not an integer ¬ consistent with regard to
pustovkami. This leads to constant fights among the males. In
kosharnogo content to grow good seed ¬ neck is difficult: there is no
proper feeding, puppies often die from infectious diseases because
vaccines are not instilling ¬. Until the 80s. the most common disease was the distemper. After 80 were added to these places unknown disease - parvovirus enteritis.

Photo 76. Tail

Photo 77. Tail-cut

Photo 78. Tail-cut
his research Caucasian population chabans ¬ FIR shepherds in the
highlands of York Romanovets Vladi ¬ world revealed an interesting fact.
the shepherds There is a behavior Phe ¬: If your puppy at the age of
1.5 months, burn through a copper rod nose between the eyes, the puppy
is not sick with plague carnivores.

Photo 79. Perezhzhennaya bridge
than half the population of dogs studied, Vladimir had perezhzhennuyu
nose, but how true it is vere, in reality, he analyzed did not succeed. Here are a few photos, which are clearly visible scars from burns after this procedure.

Photo 80. Perezhzhennaya bridge
In dogs, finding ¬ Xia in the areas of Mount Kazbek, such scars on the nose were observed. Shepherds of these regions with such means were not familiar. This
suggests that, despite the short distance (600-800 km), between herders
and shepherds Transcaucasian the North Caucasus was not. Another
difference in the content of the Caucasian shepherds the puppies,
particularly of shepherds Azerbaijanis, was the manner of the puppies,
teens tie at the neck rather short leash made of rope or rawhide to make
them easier to catch.
The population of Caucasian sheepdogs and shepherds of the North Caucasus are quite different. Even on the specifics of the beast in the dog was different. Shepherds
York plateaus in the protection of the flocks were put out of forged
metal collars with spikes, ranging from 1 to 1.5 kg. Also, put on leashes, made from old scissors that cut their sheep. This indicates ¬ telstvovalo that flocks visited by wolves. And in the winter wolf attacks occur more frequently than in summer. York on the plateau bears are not found, and Shepherd of the places do not know this beast. In
the mountain, the Main Caucasian ridge to the great ¬ lichestvo bears,
and, accordingly, Shepherd of these places were well acquainted with
this mighty beast, and work on it. Ox ¬ ki is on the alpine meadows are found almost. Their places obi ¬ Tania - wooded areas of the mountains and foothills, so the dogs are not wearing collars with spikes. Sometimes
there have been cases napa ¬ Denia wolves on the flock in distant
pastures in Dagestan and Stavropol Territory in the winter, but it is
very rare.

Photo 81. From leashes

Photo 82. From leashes
1993, in connection with the collapse of the Soviet Union Stretches
flocks from areas of Mount Kazbek ceased, the number of sheep has
decreased dramatically, most of the flocks were sold. Only is insignificant portion of sheep is privately owned. Pain
¬ Most state and collective farms sheep were scattered, because the
land for grazing in the foothills is not enough; a flock of sheep in the
Caucasus one hundred ¬ Yali sedentary, year-round on the same ground.
Kazbegi mostly shepherds the puppies grow into their pre-swing. In the house of puppies the best care. In the mountain villages, there is usually no infection. There's a sterile environment and good nutrition. Shchen ¬ Cove grown in cows' milk and mash of corn flour. When the puppies reach the age of five to six months, they are transferred into serum and unleavened bread. In older age the puppies are fed unsalted steamed mixed fodder. The meat goes to them very rarely. At first glance, this seems scant food, but we did not see any harm the puppy, because food is given in sufficient quantity.

Photo 83. With iron collars

Photo 84. With iron collars

Photo 85. With iron collars
The house growing puppies are more surrounded by love and care. At the same flock of shepherds have no time to deal with growing puppies and adults Shepherd always dominate over them. In the flock does not develop the courage and spirit of a puppy. The
puppy is growing in the house, with age, feels that he's the boss here,
and at the same time he was not divorced from work, since every house
has a large and small cattle.

Photo 86. Onishi Samkanashvili with puppies

Summer in the mountains come to the flock. At this time the puppy-teens (from eight to twelve months) shepherds take with them. There, they learn from the adult dogs to work on the bear, and in autumn they can take the stage at the winter parking lot.
In summer, flocks of sheep graze in alpine meadows. All summer they did not descend from the slopes of the mountains. And in the rain, and in clear weather, shepherds and shepherds are near the flocks. Only
a few studies ¬ prisoners left the shepherds and the flock down to the
village to swap clothes, stock up on food, bread and salt. During this time, Shepherd does not see the people and therefore become particularly aggressive. Approach at this time to flock dangerous. We had to climb up the mountain to the flock. Even at distances ¬ final state of at least 200 feet from her shepherd bark started. The closer we went along, becoming more fiercely barking. At such times, shepherds, without waiting for strangers will approach closer, coming down themselves. If
a shepherd came to Shepherd, they stopped a few meters away from us and
carefully watched us while we communicated with the shepherd.
tribal shepherds teach their dogs to attack people who have come to the
flock with evil intentions, according to certain signs. Attack dogs are suddenly a stranger. For
example, when the conversation started, threatening trouble and need a
support ¬ dogs, shepherd loudly pronounced the word, unknown to others,
or, as it were indignant, claps her hands. To outsiders, these people attack dogs at this point it seems accidental. Such covert tactics often saves the shepherds coming from people with evil intentions.
During the rest shepherds with a flock located on the hillside, where there is a cliff and near the water. If there is a possibility, under a rock constructing a light pen from the poles to Zago ¬ nyat flock there at night. Finding the flocks near the cliff is convenient for two reasons. First, the bear can go in this case only on the one hand and, secondly, the sheep at night can not go up the hill. Near
the corral at a distance of two or three tens of meters to pitch a tent
in which the resting shepherds, completed in-nuvshis burqa, as the
night in the mountains are cold. Difference of night and day tempera ¬ tour is usually around 20 degrees. In the evening mists often descend. This is usually used by bears.
Bear has a habit to approach the flock from the top. He chooses the tactics of surprise. If he burst into the flock and grabs the prey, there is nothing to prevent him carry her. If
he can not come close to her to run off with one jerk to her and take
away the sheep, then the problem states ¬ um is to drive the sheep dogs,
which takes a long time.
surround the bear, some attacking him in front, but at the same time,
without acumen, or bear can kill with one blow feet or mortally wounded
dog. The denser the working sheep dog, which distract the bear in the front, the easier it is to attack the other NWA di ¬. It is those shepherds who attack the beast from behind and make the grip ¬ ku. The pain turns to a bear attack from behind the dogs, and at this moment Shepherd switch roles. Need more courage to work on extremely small distances. Bear turns on the spot and can not move to the flock. The purpose of the dogs - to stop the beast, and at the same time to survive. Hasty attack threatens Shepherd death. Do not think that the Caucasian bear jumbo. This is misleading. Bear - a very quick and brave animal, capable of even a short distance to catch up with the horse. Its weight can ¬ dit income up to 250 kg. Naturally,
the shepherd must be sized so that the steep slope to be faster than
the bear, and at the same time, have a rather impressive view. Shepherd holding a bear, until podospeyut shepherds. People shouting and firing their guns into the air, in the event that dogs are not afraid of shots. But more often than not withstand the onslaught of bear Shepherd and Retiro.
the bear was able to sneak up close to the sheep, and gave him a dog
run into a flock, the sheep fight off the bear's extremely hard. He, like lightning, disappeared in the darkness. In general, the bear starts to attack the sheep close by September. Bear goes on protein foods, because he soon will need to fall into winter hibernation ¬ nyuyu. He knows that in September the herds will go from the slopes of the mountains. Bear - an animal not only possesses great physical strength, but also a well-developed intellect. Often,
the shepherds would-wali witnessed such an interesting point: that
dezorienti left at sheepdogs, the bear was throwing stones on one side
of the slope, with tanks, fleeing the noise of falling stones, and he
attacked the flock on the other side. Breaking
in and attacking one of the sheep, ¬ shaft detachment from her tail
(fatty deposit on the tail of sheep), trying to swallow it right away,
then caught the next, and crippled of several sheep, in the end took
away another suicide. Some
shepherds say that in moments of anxiety at night, under low light
conditions, when the bear sees people, he stands on his hind legs,
sideways, pushing one shoulder forward, hiding her legs, becoming like a
man in shepherd cloak. Thus, the bear is trying to mislead the shepherds.
The attack of wolves on the flock is very rare. Wolf - the animal is very gentle. Because of their lack of physical capacity, he rarely runs the risk of attacks on sheep, as the shepherd of his much can hurt. If a wolf attack is somewhat Shepherd at once, he may die.
the population Shepherd Kazbegi region, in conversations with the
sheep-water, I have repeatedly raised the issue of an attack of wolves
on the flock. Many shepherds, boasting the legend began to think about how his dog in combat with the beast prevailed, strangled the wolf. But then it turned out that all this nonsense. It
turns out that even if a small flock of producing their own to graze
without protection is a man walk down the slope on which sheep graze ¬
rum and shout, this usually is sufficient ¬ sure, to the wolf is not
even approached the slope, where grazing sheep. The wolf attacks the flock, if no longer valid because of age, sick or very hungry. Then he loses his caution and may be willing to act rash. Frequent
attacks of wolves observed when the wolves have to leave their hunting
grounds in relation to human activities (eg, military operations or
development of land for economic activities).
Many of the shepherd Shepherd, in his entire life, never-vstre chalis with a wolf. With the bear, on the contrary, in summer they are found always. According
to the stories Samkanashvili Tamaz in his practice, it was an isolated
incident, when the wolf came to their village and tried to take away
Pansheti the house sheep. The unfortunate shepherd was caught and strangled by Tamaz. By happy coincidence the house had a camera, and managed to capture Tamaz (photo 82). Wolf was of medium size (approx. 35 kg). This case ¬ tea occurred in 1996, at a time when Chechnya were fighting. It is not excluded that the wolf has migrated there.
1993, Kazbegi breeders stopped grazing their ota ¬ Ry lands of
Daghestan and Georgia began to migrate to the highlands and foothills of
York of the Caucasus Mountains. In these places of the climate was milder, and can graze sheep in the winter. In
1996, many of the Caucasian shepherds had a very hard, because a large
number of bears taken over from Chechnya to the south hand ¬ well
Caucasus (Transcaucasia).

Photo 87. DZHIBIR left, right Parekh,
in the background Boko
In that year there were cases of bears attacking flocks in the Caucasus. Before this war was not observed. Shepherd
Caucasian shepherds did not have experience meeting with a bear, fear
of the predator and, consequently, poorly guarded ota ¬ ry. Caucasian shepherds came to Kazbegi shepherds and asked them shepherds to protect the flock from attack by the bears.

Since the early 80's interest in Aboriginal sheepdogs breeders began to show the former Soviet Union. The first of the enthusiasts was a native of Ukraine, resident of Kiev, Vladimir Romanovets. I mentioned earlier about this amazing man. His efforts were partially studied population Shepherd Caucasian type. For several years we have studied with him dogs Kazbegi region. And in 1982, from the village was taken by his arsh one of the nicest dogs Garbanskogo subtype named Marukh. Unfortunately, Vladimir could not get his offspring in the Ukraine. Apparently played a role stress, sex-change chenny of living conditions. After
a free stay in the village of up to seven years without even knowing
the collar and got into a nursery, Marukh could not adapt. He ate poorly and missed a long time. They were covered with several females, but the puppies did not get, though the village of Arshan he was young. Such
a phenomenon we have often observed in otarnyh Shepherd falling in
urban conditions, especially if they are kept in kennels. This is clearly seen in females between the ages of 3 years and older. Many of them stopped for a long time (a year or more) empty. Subsequently, even if empty, it was shown greased chute (almost no discharge). After mating often remained empty, and if schenilis, then ate their young.
So many outstanding sheepdog, trapped in our nursery did not yield desired litters. In another way things were with young ¬ dymi dogs and puppies. With these problems with the reproduction did not occur. There is an explanation. Females, when the free content in flocks, have their place for whelping. In the winter time - it's shed and hayloft. In
the warm season in the mountains, on the open slopes ¬ tyh female will
find a quiet place under a rock or dig a hole in her right place, away
from prying eyes. In such a place, it will produce offspring. Shepherds do not prevent it. They fed her, and then when the puppies are performed for two weeks or more, they are transferred to the parking lot. If the flock in a few females, the dominant (strongest) female, waiting for seed could kill then ¬ stvo weaker females. But such cases are extremely rare. Basically, this occurs when poorly fed dogs.
But back to Romanovtsu Volodya. For the sake of studying Shepherd Caucasian type, he quit his job in Kiev and went to York highlands. This plateau is bordered by three former Soviet republics: Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. At that time, from Kiev had no problems getting there, let alone find a job of shepherd, as it was one country - the USSR. Be perceived in the Caucasus as a crank who has nothing to do but to look at dogs. Volodya spent half a year, from late March to October. During that time he has been in the areas of sheep, as Tsiteli Tskaro-, tetra-Tskaro, Udabno, Signagi region. He studied the Caucasian sheep dogs in Georgia and Azerbaijan, made a lot of photos. According
to Volodya, the number of Transcaucasia located at the York plateau,
giving way to homogeneity by ¬ Shepherds areas of Mount Kazbek. In the surveyed areas, they had more intermediate-type dog fur. Most dogs sable-gray color, a lot of brindle, brown, mottled individuals were rare, very few white and light fawn. Dogs bright colors were more than all the others are like shepherds of Mount Kazbek. On growth were slightly lower than the Kazbek, but the fortress, the muscles and, more importantly, to breed animals inferior. The
population of Azerbaijan otarnyh dogs in the total number exceeded by
uniformity of Shepherds of Georgia, but as things were in the early 80s.
Now, perhaps, the picture changed. Since the early 90s when separated into an independent state of Georgia, some shepherds Dusheti, Tianeti. Leningor and Kazbegi regions began to migrate from flocks in York flat ¬ cohort. Most likely, a mixture of blood and Caucasian Shepherd Kazbek is now taking place, but this is only speculation. Unfortunately, Volodya Romanovtsu failed at that time to take out a good stable Caucasian population. Russian proverb: "Better to see once than hear a hundred times." All
stories about native dogs, seen them in the Caucasus and the photos do
not give a complete picture of the true life of shepherd dogs. Standard
on Aboriginal shepherds did not exist, and anyone who was not
acquainted with dogs of the Caucasus, in one voice said Volodya that
this hybrid with Asian shepherd dogs. Volodya's enthusiasm gradually subsided.
These pioneers in the Caucasus were Lidia Morozov and Anatoly Kostyukov. Lidia - expert and amateur Caucasian Shepherd. Seeing the new blood, has decided to add some culture to the Shepherds blood Aborigines. Lydia
Vasilyevna and Anatoly Kostyukov was purchased and shipped to
Leningrad, five males (Archil, Loma, Dato Tugra and Tiger) and several
females. Of the above is only one male Dato given to the cultural good seed bitches, but only in the first generation

Photo 88. Dato
In the next generation occurs much cleavage, and the number of cultural Shepherd began to deteriorate. This idea is not justified. The difference between the cultural and native shepherds obvious. Now, this is rather different breeds, although the roots of cultural Caucasians native dogs.

 After LV Morozova us began a pilgrimage from all over the Soviet Union. Caucasian Shepherd lovers came from Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, and many of the largest cities in the USSR. It was removed a lot of puppies and adults. But these crumbs were dissolved in the mass cultural Caucasian Shepherd. Go to our recommendations about breeding Kazbek Shepherd clean, of course, no one listened. Dogs were removed for other purposes. In
the mid-80s in the cultural population of Caucasian shepherd dogs have
had problems with the motor apparatus, and cast-on blood Aborigines,
logically should have solved this problem. But it was not so easy. If
cultural Caucasian Shepherd had mounted type, with cast-on blood
Aborigines are split into colors, types, wool, and of course in the
Constitution. Interest in Aboriginal gradually waned.
of 80th beginning of the 90s marked the split of the USSR and the
emergence of multiple foci of inter-ethnic problems, especially acute in
the Caucasus. The flow of enthusiastic native s-charok reduced to a minimum. The
only person who continued to breed seriously Kazbek dogs, and about
which I remember with great warmth and respect - is Tikhomirov Andrew. Beginning in 1988, Andrew, a resident of Estonia has come to us in Vladikavkaz and join us to learn native Caucasian Shepherd.

Photo 89. TIGER

Photo 90. CHRELA
The first dog, rescued them was male Garbanskogo subtype named Botha. Andrew
bought it in 1990 at Temiraeva A. Botha - male white in color, of
medium height, 68 cm at the withers, very harmoniously proportioned,
with a strong nervous system. Botha gave many children with Aboriginal females Garbanskogo subtype ¬ GOVERNMENTAL removed Andrew from Kazbegi region.

Photo 91. BOTA

Photo 92. Bahia
The best offspring was obtained from females, when the line, (owner Geladze), named Baya. donated by us. That bitch gave an intermediate type of hair beautiful daughters and sons. In what Andrew had rented two males Garbanskogo subtypes: Where, ow. Vardanyan RS (When the son, ow. Geladze) and Burt (line Loma, ow. Pitskhelauri).

Photo 93. Burt
addition to Andrew Shepherd Garbanskih females were purchased Gergeti
subtypes: the Koran, the daughter of Repeater and Basara, the daughter
of Chrela, (owner Vardanyan RS). Quran was bred in Vladikavkaz Gergeti dog named Horus. While the choir was already ten years old, and it was only obtained from a litter. After birth, pups Andrew gave us two - male and female. But, unfortunately, the dog died from enteritis. The bitch is named Tsega we have grown.
Andrew arrived in Vladikavkaz on several times a year. We got to work closely with him. He understood that the Kazbek type to keep clean, and then much can be achieved. In each of his arrival we went to Kazbegi region, studying the stock dogs. Gradually, our close cooperation has developed into a strong friendship. In two years, Andrew was able to organize a small kennel in the Estonian city of Kivioli. Later, after the persuasion of his friend, Anatoly Sonin, this nursery was moved to the outside Moscow Shchelkovo. Livestock nursery grew, he became known as "Ares Lasha."

Photo 94. CHOIR

Photo 95. TSEGA
In 1988, when the next trip to the Caucasus, Andrei was able to get the Kazbegi dog named tightly, his son and Keda Dzukny. But Andrew was late, he bought the Mamiev Batradz. Tight embodies the extraordinary power and strength of the mountaineer. With
growth of 71 cm at the withers and weighing about 60 kg of his muscles
and ligaments were so strong that at the trot was produced impressive ¬
tion, if it touches the ground only with your fingertips. ¬ tight region gave a phenomenal jumping, but he was not athletic clearly distinguished from muscle mass. The structure of his body was such that when tension seemed as if he lit ¬ from stainless steel. Batradz
and his brother Ruslan several years painstakingly developed a Tightly
fighting qualities, and in air ¬ plants five years, he won the title.

Photo 96. Tight 1 year 3 months.

Photo 97. Tight. 10 years

Photo 98. Andrew in Kazbegi

Photo 99. Andrew in Kazbegi
But back to Andrew. In
1994 the village was purchased by them Gergeti year-old dog named blood
Kokhta (in Georgian - handsome), a direct son of Greyhound-II, ow. Sudzhiashvili. His
nickname is really consistent appearance: well built, medium height,
white in color, intermediate-type coat, with a good temperament. In the age of three gave Kokhta Andrew Shepherd lover native of Serpukhov, Moscow Region Komichevu Sergei. For
four years in Kokhta revealed good potential for fighting dogs, and in
five years, he became the champion of Moscow in fighting among the
fighting breeds Caucasus and Asia. In Kokhta combined not only fighting qualities, but also as an excellent guard dog.

Photo 100. Kohtu
Another good luck Andrew - acquired blood dog named Moore, the son of Booths sisters Tiger, ow. Hutseshvili D. From this dog received a few litters of females Kazbek blood, he gave a good offspring.

Photo 101. MUR

Unfortunately, the end of the 90s marked a terrible economic crisis in Russia, which also affected the work of Andrew. Nursery have not had the opportunity, prospective population had to give to friends and go to Estonia. Naturally most of the population does not hit for enthusiasts of the breed, as Dogs just gave in good hands for the protection of buildings. Several heads kept Pravkina Tatiana, got a few bitches Komichevu Sergei, but Sergei then returned them to the "homeland." Shepherd came to the village in Ossetia to HMI Dzutseva Tamerlane.
two decades, quite a number of native shepherds of Mount Kazbek into
the hands of amateurs Caucasian Shepherd was still the Soviet Union. Dogs that fall into the attention of specialists, fueled an intense debate around it. Some
contend that this is a dog hybrid, quite simply "servants" in the
Caucasus that have no pure-bred sheep dogs, and all the best dogs were
taken to the post-war (1945-1950) years for the protection of military
facilities. It was believed that the remaining stock mingled with the mongrel, and that there is material available. It
seemed, if otarnaya Shepherd, the growth it should not be less than a
donkey, with long hair, with a mane like a lion, and the weight of a
bushel. Necessarily long-haired! Dogs with short and intermediate-type coat - clearly, a cross between a mongrel dog. The
other half of the so-called "experts" claimed that these dogs hybrid
dogs otarnymi with Central Asia, suggesting that by migrating to the
other side of the Caspian Sea through the Republic of Kalmykia, they
mingled with the CAO. From there, came and short-haired type. But it is unclear if other: the Asian population remained in the "purity" and the Caucasus became a hybrid. Where is the logic?
It is also clear that the Caucasian Shepherd divided not only by type of wool, and have many more subtypes. Each subtype has a right to exist. This centuries-old work of shepherds, we want to erase my ignorance. Caucasus - is multinational, and every nation bred a type of shepherd Shepherd, convenient for themselves and for their work.
nowadays there are sheep, dogs otarnye, but they are diverse, and we
should not mix them in one pile, arguing about which deserve to exist,
and which should disappear. I'm
sure a few years, the former Asian republics of the Soviet Union and
now independent states will raise their shepherd types, with different
standards and names. And so it should be. This is true. Then everything will fall into place, and will be something to work and to strive for. And
in the Caucasus, each nation has its own type of dogs, the number you
want to learn to understand spec ¬ ku use, but it requires more than one
the study dogs, Mount Kazbek, I'm not left wondering what kind of
people living in the Caucasus, has the best stock otarnyh dogs? My first steps to examine otarnyh dogs associated with livestock in North Ossetia. Were
examined all the mountain areas Ossetia, all sheep centers of the
republic, but as it turned out, all the mountain pastures of grazing
flocks were mainly Georgians - mohevtsy (Nationality of Georgia) Kazbegi
region. On the territory of Georgia in Truso gorge is only just one mountain village in which they live Ossetians - a village of Kobe. Here are engaged in sheep farming. In all other regions of Ossetia were engaged in sheep farming, mostly shepherds Kazbegi. Naturally, the population of dogs in otarnyh Ossetia was Kazbegi origin.
the mountainous Ossetian villages from the local people, dogs of such a
plan is extremely rare, although the dogs there was a good attitude. Those dogs that we were interested in, proved once again Kazbegi origin. Only
in the late 80s due to the proliferation of dog-fighting dogs otarnyh,
which moved from the Caucasus republics of Central Asia, in South
Ossetia began to purposefully engage in dogs such a plan. For
example, fans and legislators, dog fighting, which first began breeding
dogs in otarnyh Ossetia in mid-80s, were Temirov Taras Temiraev Alik
Mamiev Batradz, Ahpolov Felix and many others. The
first caught them dogs were taken from Kazbek shepherds, as in South
Ossetia at the time of their herds otarnyh dogs were observed. Although
of historical materials is known to have been Alan Peoples such dogs,
and the Ossetians - direct descendants of the Alans. Unfortunately, these dogs are not kept. Also the case in Chechnya and Ingushetia. In
connection with the flocks surpass the Kazbegi mountain and other areas
of Georgia through the territory of these republics, the Georgian dogs
settled among the local population and mingled with the local livestock
dogs. Especially as the population of these people were arrested from their territories in the Central Asian republics. Also, Kabardino-Balkaria, the dogs lost the war of 1941-1945. And only kept the population of Dagestan otarnyh dogs to this day. But the population of purebred dogs otarnyh Dagestan in the years greatly inferior breeds of dogs otarnym Kazbegi type. In
the early 80s when the study population otarnyh dogs on distant lands
of Dagestan (Kochubeysky Kizlyar and districts) in conversations with
the Dagestani shepherds, the conversation boiled down to the fact that
if we want to see good dogs, must go to the "numbers" where there are
Georgian flock. Daghestanis themselves acknowledge that the Georgian dog breed.
Indeed, the dogs gave way to the Dagestani shepherds Georgian livestock. And the attitude towards the dogs in the Kazbek shepherds special. Mohevtsy-breeders with love and precision represent characters in nickname and the external features of their pets. I
once spoke about nicknames Shepherd Mount Kazbek, I think the reader
will be interesting to learn more about the most common nicknames and
their meanings.
Here are just some of them:
Avaz - cheetah
Aptar - Hyena
Baia - baby, baby
Boko - relaxed
Bombora - bunting
Brawley - Flint
Burt - ball
Vephiya - Tiger
Gnyas - barking at night
Godora - basket of hay
Guguli - cuckoo
Gulbetsva - hairy heart
Dato - Bear
Dznela - invincible, inconvenient
Dzukna - female
Dzhavriya - angry
Jag - cocky
Jade - corruption, witchcraft
Dzhibir - support
Kaji - the devil
Potassium - a girl
Katsats - tenacious
KEDA - Dove, dove
Repeater - a hammer
Quran - the crow
Kokhta - handsome, handsome
Where - without a tail
Kunta - pillow on the chair
Lasha - mouth, big snout
Scrap - lion
Marukh - the name of the mountain
Mgela - Wolf
Moore - a dark (black) face, or head
Nothing more - harmful
Nemsa - needle
Okro - Gold
Parekh - fold
Patara - a little
Patshver - lynx
Petfer - a powerful, powerful
Phoriya - hair standing on end
Tati - paw
Tatuchi - Bear
Tetris - White
Toliya - a spot on the eye
Totiya - standing up on its hind legs
Tight - respectful treatment of the dog
Hoda - male
Chorus - a pig
Tsuntsula - kitten

 No nation in the Caucasus does not have such a variety of nicknames otarnyh dogs, like the mountaineers, the Georgians. And
it says that to their dogs Georgians Mountaineers are taken very
seriously, and culture relations between the dog and the man goes back
to back centuries. This
is particularly evident in the Kazbek shepherds-mohevtsev
(archaeological findings with the image of dogs on the belts and weapons
found in Kazbegi, more than two thousand years).
to return to Mount Kazbek dogs, but rather to the dogs with "unusual"
color, which is not common in Shepherds cultural ¬ th dilution. It's
about dogs with a brown color of the nose ¬ mi, stroke and lip, with
colors: light reddish-brown, reddish-brown, light brown and spotted with
the same variations. These colors are very common in dogs of this type, moreover, are considered a sign Garbanskogo subtype. Dogs with this pigment are a good working quality. Many legendary Mount Kazbek dogs had just such a coat. For example Loma, ow. Pitskhelauri
3. And a whole galaxy of his sons and Toti Toti, P, (owner Shaliko
Pitskhelauri); Loma, Kalia, (owner Chabaidze PA) and Sarah Kurukh (owner
Samkanashvili T.).
And still alive outstanding Shepherd is present in the genes of the so-called "red nose". These facts are not in the past. Outstanding
Male Kazbegi region of the village Phelsha Hoda, (owner Kolhebashvili
AZ - Ahpolov F.), having a light reddish-brown black nose, more than 30
percent gave their children with brown noses, at the above colors. And it is natural, since a course - a descendant of dogs garbanskih blood.
have already mentioned that most of the population located in areas
adjacent to Mount Kazbek, short-haired coat or intermediate type. In a large mass otarnyh dogs that are in this vast area, special attention was given to two subtypes, and Gergeti Garbanskomu. And it's only on the outstanding sheepdog, which purposefully bred shepherds Kazbegi. The small mountain town of Kazbegi always been a center of sheep farming. In
the late 70s, when we studied the population otarnyh dogs numerical ¬
sion of sheep in the Kazbegi region only accounted for about two hundred
thousand. Sheep breeding was at its peak of development. Numerous flocks of sheep were grazing in the alpine meadows of the Caucasus Mountains.
Livestock Gergeti Shepherd outnumbered Garbanskih stock. This
was associated with working qualities Gergeti subtype, which is vital
livestock, it is better to work on the bear and had a total weight of
its high virulence to strangers, which was extremely important in the
combined the dogs more vicious population (ie the aggression to
strangers), that not all GDSs ¬ convenient otarnoy work. Often hired for the season to the team more shepherds, and not always Garbanskie dog to get used to new people. Many
dogs Garbanskih tried not to take on the stretch, but left the house in
the mountains before the summer season, until prigonyat sheep back into
the mountains. In
the mountains, as a rule ¬ lo, except for flocks and shepherds no one,
and Garbanskih Shepherd could safely go to protect the flock.
the early 90s, when Georgia seceded from the Soviet Union and became a
sovereign state, the economic relationship in terms of sheep, with
Russia have been suspended. Numerous herds that have had their pasture in the Russian Federation, were lost immediately. In 1993, Otto sheep on winter pasture Naur, Kizlyar and districts of the Stavropol Territory was interrupted. Distill also into Georgia, the plateau York, a number of sheep was not possible. A huge number of sheep could not subsist on a small area of ​​Kazbegi district. For
a short period of time, the number of sheep has decreased dramatically,
birth, shepherds remain ¬ were without work, and, consequently, reduced
population cleansing ¬ smooth Gergeti Garbanskih and dogs.
And then played a role is another aspect. In the early 90s in the North Caucasus have become increasingly popular fighting qualities otarnyh dogs.
Need to be clarified in such a sensitive issue as fighting dogs. It's not as simple as it seems at first glance. If
you take one of the components of this phenomenon - the passion, fueled
by serious cash rates, the strong impression of the bout, followed by a
roar from the dogs which increases your adrenaline viewers around the
machinations of the battle, almost always present - what with all this
is clear.
the same time it is necessary to keep in mind that this breed of dog
schooling, if I may say so, "half-savage," for which natural selection
has a common phenomenon. Shepherds, in most cases did not prevent spontaneous mating of dogs. In
such a situation, any mating otarnyh dogs took place after the violent,
sometimes deadly clashes males competing for the continuation of some
sort. Even
when growing up young males still do not have enough strength to
challenge the leader, were often strong males who came to the vacant
bitch, scenting the smell for a few miles, and then a fight was
inevitable. Bitch covered the fittest. In
my experience was an amazing event, when in my nursery ready for mating
a bitch, however, did not give himself cover studs, while the excited
dogs, breaking off the chain, not staged a fierce fight among
themselves. Immediately thereafter, the bitch gave up. She needed blood!
if you dilute this component of the life of this dog breed, we obtain
the Caucasian sheep-dog, so what we are accustomed to seeing in the
Caucasus? Proud, independent dog, who knows what freedom is? I think not. This contradiction, which has no ready solution. According
to my observations of many years, keeping and breeding these dogs in
kennels, and external, seemingly successful steps, such as exterior good
data, good performance, however, did not lead to desired results. Lost a certain zest in dogs, especially felt in future generations. Dogs, isolated from natural habitats, becomes a friend. They did not have enough brightness, inner strength, which makes the dog, as if lit from within.
More on fighting dogs. In
fairness it should be noted that the rules of the battles (and any)
provide for an immediate end to the battle, when the weaker dog "for
rent": is short tail, lie down, retreat, his teeth bared. Battles with lethal does not happen. Moreover, males often do stop a fight when one of them shows that he resigns.

 Dog fighting in South Ossetia occupied many former athletes - wrestlers. They must have helped them re-experience the atmosphere of competition, albeit in an inhumane manner. Training
sessions, exercise, psychological training, fights with an obviously
weaker opponent, strengthening confidence in the dog, the ability to
take your pet to fight in top form, here are some elements of this
Fighting dogs came from the former Republics of Central Asia. Within a decade, dog fighting escalated in the Caucasus as a real "boom." Rules of the battles were essentially borrowed from the fighting enthusiasts in Central Asia. In
the Caucasus, then, the rules were slightly modified in connection with
certain habits of specificity otarnyh dogs of the Caucasus. Dogs participating in such events gained some "higher" status. The best of the men gained an amazing popularity. The names of these outstanding dogs were on the lips of all more or less involved in the fighting fans. What were the dogs involved in such activities? Initially,
the dogs involved in fights otarnye, those that were acquired from the
shepherds, or offspring of the same otarnyh dogs.
The first few years, these dogs were called: the Asian and the Caucasian sheep-dog shepherd shepherd or a dog. But
subconsciously, every owner who has a dog in the shower did not want to
equate your dog to the dogs that participate the exhibition show. And
as the fighting, mainly engaged in urban people, having nothing to do
with sheep, and certainly not versed in the specifics of otarnyh dogs,
their knowledge limited to what the dog guarding the flock otarnye from
attacking wolves. But as it happens, had a vague idea.
city people think that wolves are going into a huge flock, hungry and
emaciated, they roam the mountains, looking for a flock of sheep to
attack it. In
this case necessarily would take place between contractions otarnymi
dogs and wolves, which would like to see the advantage in strength was
in otarnyh dogs. And
like the gladiators in the Coliseum stage, they "were cut" to the
bitter end, until the last wolf will not be strangled or put to flight.
In fact, all this is happening, of course, is not it. Sami fights excite the imagination of participants and spectators, especially when such a sight looks for the first time. Almost every picture in the mind runs, this outstanding fighter can beat a wolf. Timidly at first, then louder, began to sound on the lips of the word "Wolfhounds," then the name evolved into "rock." Just
a few years, all or nearly all the fans fighting with increasing
rennostyu said that the rock in which they engage is called the
But down to the ground and a little health to think about. First, the dog in the flock - above all, a psychological barrier for wolves. Having decided to attack a flock of wolves "probes", are there any people flock, and what a dog guarding it. If
the dogs behave actively: do not hide in all directions, but stand firm
on their positions ¬ tsiyah, not letting slip a wolf, feel free to bark
at him, warning him that guarded the flock, the Wolves are trying to
scare, distract and trick dogs. For
example, prolonged howl (howl of wolves in some dogs strikes fear) or
distract the dogs on a particular flank and attack the other. If these tricks do not succeed, then a flock guarded by good dogs, and wolves do not bind and go.
As a breed, "Wolfhounds," in dogs is not the existence otarnyh ¬ lo. This is the name of the city fell from the lips of people when their eyes come across otarnye dog. In the study population of Mount Kazbek dogs, we have never heard that these dogs are called "Wolfhound". Only those dogs that have managed to catch a wolf and strangle him, received the title "Wolfhounds." Practice shows that almost always in the teeth of dogs otarnyh get sick or individual, or old. For many centuries man chased and frightened wolves with dogs. For
example, hunting with hounds and greyhounds, that's where the
initiative is entirely or almost entirely in the hands of people and
dogs, where dogs are actually being followed, catching up with the
beast, and with the help of dogs a person obtains it. Wolves eat not only and not as sheep, the animal food is diverse. Subjected to undue risk their health and lives the more, the wolf will never be. And
then, let's be objective, well with the Steppenwolf and the Caucasus
can be overcome, but when you see a Siberian wolf comes to mind an
anecdote: "Do you know why these dogs are called" Wolfhounds "? - Asks a companion of the other. "No," - he replied. "So you know, when a wolf sees a dog, he chokes on saliva."
But back to "Boitsov" dogs. Initially, the dogs who participated in the battles, did not differ from otarnyh dogs, neither size, nor the nervous system. But within a few years later, in a galaxy otarnyh dogs became wedged in the dog mestizo (hybrid with otarnymi dogs). Metizirovalis
such breeds like Great Danes, St. Bernards and other large breeds of
dogs, which showed quite good results in fighting. With
a larger size and weight, having some good fighting qualities, such
individuals in connection with its impressive views at once became
famous. Most
people involved in the fighting, are not interested in breeding
purebred livestock, they are interested only in Boitsov qualities. But mixing blood for only one feature - a road to nowhere.
Not retain the material, which was initially, ie blood
of dogs, whose origin was not known in a generation, the so-called
"breeders of fighting dogs" were dissolved purebred dog population
within a decade, mixing them for combat success with dogs of Asian
descent and, worse, with crossbred dogs. Get
these dogs from a stable population in terms of exterior design and
operating characteristics (fighting spirit belongs to the working
qualities) - is impossible. Was
achieved only increase the weight and size, and lost: the fortress of
ligaments, supplying the hind limbs, nervous system, movement. Increased the duration of the fight, but deteriorated equipment. Dogs have become more lax on the constitution. Dogs also shelter ¬ nye fought much more stable, showing fighting spirit and physical potential in a much longer lifetime. Mestizo, fighting among themselves, did not show consistent results than their owners plunged into confusion.
labor-intensive, requiring time and patience the way - to save blood
lines and the development of the necessary qualities, is not easy. This work is painstaking, requiring more knowledge and a certain feeling, which is not given to everyone. So to amuse myself with the thought that we have been breeding "Wolfhounds," is not necessary. This breed of dogs fighting each other.
And as these dogs will show themselves, separated from the flocks and work can not be predicted. Yes, and whether such a dog in the flock. After working in the flock - is the work of a cohesive team, the pack. Dogs that are gratuitously put up a fight, do not need to otarnoy work. John ¬ stinkt procreation is often higher fighting qualities, developed artificially. There are examples, and they are not unique. For
example, the owner of one of the best fighting dogs Ossetia, Vitaly
Karaev was narrated by case, which happened to his dogs. He got blood, blood Leningori otarnogo dog named Samson. He was purchased for the fighter's career. In physical terms, this was a great dog, but Samson did not meet expectations Vitali. Attempts
to reveal the potential of this dog fighting a losing: he was not
afraid of enemies, but did not want to fight with them. Incidentally, in this case, the opponent just trying to leave a fight. After some time, futile attempts to define it for Vitali shed his brother Totradzu to work in the flock. At
the same time, Vitali was fighting dog named Albars, who was a member
at the time of the five best fighting dogs of the Caucasus. One day at the shed was empty Totradza bitch, and it was decided to mate her with Albarsom. Albarsa brought to the shed, was released from the female to mate, but there was and Samson. Among males there was a fight, where Samson finally revealed himself. Totradzu began to wonder how this will end. When it was clear that Albarsa in this battle is no longer any chance to separate males. Samson was a strong contender. This wise dog know when it needs to show its strength. Aggression
fighting dogs in any area - is the loss of valuable qualities otarnyh
dogs - the territorial security and loyalty in neutral territory.
Another, also important aspect - it's measurements of the breed. In
the mountains need a dog with an active mobile nervous system, with
good response, suitable for harsh conditions, poor food, with which it
can maintain good physical shape. Very large individuals, because of its size can not be in such circumstances to keep fit. Especially
work on the bear has its own peculiarities, with large heavy specimens
are not suitable for the protection of the sheep.
Modern Dog fighting is in their mass above 72-75 cm at the withers and the weight of 60-65 kg. Good
fighting qualities is preserved only in dogs of medium size, with only
the middle-tanks show stable contractions, good technique and dynamic
michny entertaining fight. The larger the dog, the more pro ¬ lems with health and the shorter the period of their rabotospo ¬ competitiveness.
But back to the conformation characteristics of the Kazbek Ovcha ¬ rock. During
the study population Shepherds of these places, I often asked myself
the question: what motivated the shepherds, keeping and developing
certain features of the exterior and character otarnyh dogs? Most likely, subconsciously, shepherds, in their own way, see and feel these dogs. In
the early years of the study population, we encountered a different
type of dog on the constitution, the length of coat and format. But
when we started talking about the exterior of the dog, which, for
example, the dog must have a certain bite, eye color, nose color,
shepherds in amazement looking at us and could not understand what was
going on. When we asked how, for example, they see a puppy's future good otarnuyu Shepherd, the responses were as follows.
of all, they want to see the puppy's independence and proud posture,
that is already in 1.5 - 2 months puppy must hold high the head and
tail, when he was a stranger approaches. A puppy who puts her head down and tail usually grows in disbelief, poor in spirit dog. Neither the size nor the constitution, much less the length of coat, they do not care. Recognizes the proud bearing, playfulness and desire to move. High set tail, it is best if it is twisted into the wheel - it's a sign of activity and willingness to work.
Much attention - to the back of the dog. Back should be as strong as the front end. In their words, we have never heard the term "powerful" always hear the word tough.
Interestingly, the people showing their dogs adequately transformed her behavior. Active, ambitious, proud dog owner immediately changed - lit up his eyes, appeared flushed, changed the mood. And there did not need to ask questions, whether it is a good dog, it was clear and true. It
was the other way, after talking with another of their dogs
demonstrators, who praised the shepherd, after the show immediately
changed in appearance. The dog did not show himself, and changed the mood of the owner, as the mood of the dog.
In the character of a dog, a valid criterion is relevant to its owner and a stranger. The
dog should be vigorously welcomed vat master, not skimping on emotion
and then, as rapidly to show aggression on another, and vice versa,
after the aggression aside from tenderness to the owner. A dog with such a character is good, ie, neural processes quickly interchangeable.
Shepherds have their own idea about the appearance of the dog. For example, a dog's tail should be ordained. At the end of the tail is left to brush. Bad taste is unshorn tail. It's not aesthetically pleasing. Shepherds explain that the tail conceals soba ¬ ku. With clipped the dog's tail like a lion, if it with long hair, or lionesses - if a short one. According to statistics from Loma nickname, which means lion, is the most common, followed cry ¬ ki tightly.
Also preferred for dogs with short snout volume. But the head should not be huge, large-headed individuals have worse reaction, the ability to quickly make a grip. Desirable HN stocky dog, well balanced, with a strong but not coarse bone. In the mountains, a dog with a rough skeleton is not in ¬ fit. For
over 25 years, learn the best stock of the Kazbegi-type and
understanding what type of shepherds tend shepherds, developed a
standard Tight Kazbek (Mount Kazbek dogs), which is given below.
BREED STANDARD "Kazbek tight"
Large, strong dogs, shepherds used to protect the Caucasian sheep flocks. The area of ​​distribution: Caucasus. In particular: Kazbegi, Leningori, Dusheti, Tionetsky areas (Georgia). Republic: North Ossetia ¬ Nye, the Chechen Republic, Ingushetia, grazing areas of Dagestan and Stavropol Krai (Russia).
Dog is above average and large growth. Growth
of males from 65 cm to 75 cm Height 62 cm females up to 72 cm over a
large increase in undesirable loss of harmony and composition
performance. Desirable height at the withers for males 70-74 cm, Bitches 65-68 cm Weight: Males about 50-60 kg, 40-45 kg in females. The dog-bone hard, sturdy and well muscled. Musculature with no tendency to looseness. Several extended format. Females longer than males. Sexual dimorphism is well marked (males are larger, heavier females). Females do not have to look rough, combining femininity and good plasticity.
The dogs are full of dignity, strength and confidence, daring, ready to crush any high ¬ enemy on their territory. Own decisions. (Shepherds often leave a flock of sheep under guard dogs). Calmer during the day and more active at night. Have a protective and fighting qualities. Feel free to come to grips with the Caucasian bear (bear in the highlands regularly attacks the sheep). Also, it can withstand the wolf (but the attack of wolves on the flock in the mountains are extremely rare). Perfectly related to pets, especially for sheep and goats. Soba ¬ ka territorial. On neutral ground behaves quite loyal to strangers, and friendly-minded dogs. Do not tolerate aggression against itself. Without hesitation, fighting back and not like insolent familiarity from strangers. Gracious toward pups. But the education of young in the pack is rigid. In
open spaces in the protection of flocks aggressively respond to any
approaching strangers objects at great distances, but at the same time,
in any case not leaving unattended guarded the flock.
The head is large, but in harmony with the body, with a broad forehead. Needless to coarse head is undesirable, especially in females. Frons nearly flat, separated by a shallow groove, which should not be too deep especially between the eyes. Skin folds on the forehead are not allowed. The
forehead is not short, about 17-19 cm for males and 16-18 cm for
females, with a rather short slightly flattened ¬ nym transition from
forehead to muzzle. The eyebrow arches slightly developed. Occiput barely noticeable. Cheeks well developed, but do not violate the shape of the head. Cheeks also does not have to be re-developed. The depth of the head should be sufficient and does not seem cramped. Muzzle
short 10-11 cm (± 0.5 cm) in males and 9 and 10 cm (± 0.5 cm) in
females, has a rectangular shape, hardly narrowing towards the nose. The width of the muzzle as important. The muzzle should be broad and deep. The
nose is medium in size, with open nostrils, black or light brown to
brown, with brown and tan stroke century bordering the lips. The white and light fawn dogs allowed some clarified nose, but not pink. The
back of the muzzle is broad, flat, parallel to the forehead, above and
in profile the muzzle is almost rectangular in shape, but slightly wider
at the base of the muzzle. This
figure gives the upper lips, which should be thick and obscure the
lower jaw, but did not fall significantly below the lower jaw. In the corners of his mouth formed a small "pockets". Good depth of muzzle, must not be shallow. The lower jaw is a good width with well-developed chin. With age (5 years and over) the head takes more rectangular shape. The skin on the head becomes less strained, more crumbly and coarse. Shows
little skin fold, start ¬ converging from the outer corners of age,
passing down through the cheeks and over ¬ cludes at corners of his
mouth at the base of the mandible. It is especially visible when the dog lowers his head. In individuals Gergeti subtype less rectangular shape of the head.
Ears are small, hanging on the cartilage, a low set. In short cropped at an early age.
Medium-sized, shallow-set, round, with subtype Garbanskogo more directly raised, dark. In dogs with a brown nose, eye color from light amber to dark amber. Lids fitting, with age may be slightly lop. Many dogs look hard, angry.
Big, strong and healthy at a young age are white, white with age and lost teeth disappear. Preferred half-ny set of teeth, but allowed no premolars in the mandible, and 3 molars. The incisors are arranged in one row in the upper jaw, in the form of small arcs. ¬ admissible, we put forward a few hooks on the lower jaw, but you do not ¬ walking completely behind the line of other cutters.
Scissors, straight, without departing bite that does not spoil the overall shape of the muzzle.
Powerful, short or medium length neck, females longer. Particular attention to the nape. Withers should be well defined, especially in males. Undesirable too low set neck. The neckline with respect to the back line is 35-45 degrees. Characteristic hanger around his neck, which is more pronounced in Garbanskogo subtype.
Slightly elongated. Females are longer. Topline broad and strong. Withers to stand out well. The back is of medium length, broad. Loins of medium length, muscular, broad, slightly arched, blending smoothly into the croup. On the set of back and lumbar pereslezhina allowed. The croup is broad, long, especially in females, placed almost horizontally. Tail with a broad base, a highly placed. Prized tail, curled into a ring or two-thirds of the ring. The tail hook or sickle-shaped, can be cut short, leaving at least two vertebrae. At the show dogs, the hair on the tail trimmed, leaving a small tip of the tail brush. Chest deep, falls below the elbows, ribs protruding, but not barrel shaped. Breast ¬ ne

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