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четверг, 6 октября 2011 г.

On the feeding of dogs.

On the feeding of dogs
The value of the gastrointestinal tract of an animal
normal life overemphasized. You do not even have to possess any special knowledge, you can make an opinion based on their own experiences. Few of living has not experienced at least once in their lives any disorder of the digestive apparatus. In this case, not only worsened an appetite or a chair, and general well-being, and, quite znachitelno.Nastolko so that you can understand the importance of beauty for the digestion of the whole organism. The same rule applies to our pets, on a proper full feeding depends on their health status. Getting the nutrients in the food necessary to sustain life and health.
To properly feed an animal, you must have at least a basic understanding of their physiology. Dogs - carnivores, their diet is preferable prevalence of food of animal origin that are high in protein: meat, offal. Like all carnivores, dogs are the type of gastrointestinal digestion. Consumption of protein and fatty food is digested mainly in the stomach and small intestine. Thus the relative volume of the stomach they big enough and the length of the intestine is much shorter than, for example, a person or other omnivorous animals.
After receiving feed forage mass is in the stomach from 4 to 10 hours, depending on the composition and texture of food. Food rich in carbohydrates, was evacuated to the intestine faster than the rich in protein and especially fat. Good food leaves the stomach ground faster than the bad ground. Swallowed the liquid passes into the duodenum immediately, especially when filled stomach. Digestion is composed of many components of which are the major enzyme of the digestive juices produced by the cells of glands located in the mucosa of the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines.
All its physiology and the origin of the dog adapted to digestion and absorption of protein feeds mainly of animal origin. Dogs - carnivores, have a big stomach and intestine short, created in order to eat meat to spoil, and then slowly digest it, and, basically, in the stomach and small intestine. The gastric juice of these animals has a higher acidity, which corresponds to a splitting of animal protein. But, like all living things on earth, dogs are able to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Consequently, they can retreat from their diet of meat, though not without some damage to themselves.
Various sources of information about feeding and keeping of pets sometimes contain sufficiently contradictory information. Based on data about the physiology of predators, these differences can be explained precisely adaptable animals. In principle, no matter how tormented by the owners with the preparation of the diet, dogs can have it all. The question is how this will affect the omnivorous state of their health. There is another important component of feeding problems, namely, the type of feeding is necessary to determine as soon as possible. You can feed your pet in a row all, and you have it become omnivorous, like a pig. But if all his life to feed the dog mainly meat, and then offer her a carbohydrate - vegetable diet, even with the smell of meat, we can expect the most negative consequences of such a change of diet.
Even categorically deny any - or feed use in our wards, except for that fat pork, is not justified. In some popular textbooks found a ban on the use of potatoes. But it is competent for those animals who have a deficiency of the enzyme amylase. My two dogs are the same great pleasure to consume boiled potatoes without all sorts of sad consequences for the stomach in the form of his disorder. I have a cat and respected potato treat, especially fried. I have it, though they do not offer. But sometimes it will place a plate on the table, and then the phone rang while you talk, "Tale" to arrange a feast. Dire consequences here only for myself, I deprive dinner.
Some benefits can be found in a ban on the use of dogs to feed corn and beans, because these foods are not digested by animals and can even cause vomiting. However, if you look at the composition of the food mixtures, which comprise a dry feed, it is virtually in most of them are ground corn, soy concentrate or soy beans. These mixtures were developed by specialists based on the study of digestibility of different products.
There are no rules, so one was no exception. However, there is one rule to observe is that even desirable. Do not overfeed the animal. Doing this usually involves some difficulties. Quadrupeds of our wards have a wonderful sense of smell, even if you have a tidbit, covered with a blanket, they will find you there. And would beg him with such devotion and miserably hungry that you have a piece stuck in his throat. Personally, I suppress the provocation, buried in a book, pretending not to notice anything, and really try not to notice. But I eat vegetarian food with dignity and without haste. No it does not encroach.
If in recent years, complexion compatriots somehow gradually returns to normal with the physiological standard, then this is the case with dogs, just the opposite. All complain about the hardships of life, and I have come obese patients. Of course, animals can suffer atherosclerosis by physiological characteristics, they have no cholesterol is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. But being overweight is a problem for heart, blood vessels, complicates their work and shortens the life of the animal. Particularly affected the work of the liver breaks down fat metabolism in tissues and in the skin of the animal. Owners therefore have recourse to the doctor that reveal skin lesions and not due to obesity, of course.
The problems of overweight and liver disease results in excessive feeding with a predominance of carbohydrates. That is, cereals, pasta, bread products. All of the above products can be given to the animal, but in moderation, even if they are the basis of the diet. It is desirable to "dilute" their chopped vegetables, fish and meat products.
All the limitations and diversity of diet pet owner should determine, together with his ward, watching the response to one or the product. How readily eaten and in what quantity? No, after all this food disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. What is the consistency of stool, color, odor, impurities? Mood and overall health? We must observe the four-legged pet and its behavior, health status, he will answer many questions about feeding. Knowing the restrictions to be followed, will help create the optimal diet for the animal.

/dok.Elena Dubovina/.